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Latvian Success Story: OX Drive Expands Tesla Fleet with EUR 2.8 Million Financing

OX Drive, the Tesla sharing platform established in Latvia, and Industra Bank concluded an agreement on the allocation of EUR 2.8 million in financing for the development of the Tesla fleet. This will allow the Latvian company to significantly increase its car fleet by 80 Tesla cars, reaching already 200 electric cars for sharing.

This is a Latvian success story about the company SIA Spaceship and its shared platform OX Drive, which in less than two and a half years is rapidly developing and changing mobility habits in society, making available to everyone in Riga and Pieriga, including the residents of Jūrmala, the most modern premium category electric car.

Until now, sharing platforms were newcomers to the Latvian market, but we managed to prove Latvia’s capabilities in the field of technology by developing a complex business and being able to attract capital to it. We are aware that this is only the beginning, so we are already working on new development plans with unchanged values ​​- to be faithful to the future mobility concept and technologies, offering only premium electric cars. Our development goes hand in hand with the expansion of the car fleet, as this is the only way we can meet the needs of platform users in terms of accessibility and ease of use.

Egija Gailuma, co-founder of OX Drive

Since the summer of last year, when the platform started operating, it has experienced rapid development, reaching more than 35 thousand platform users, who made a total of 64 thousand trips with a total mileage of more than 2.5 million km. In the summer, the domestic company already expanded its fleet to 110 Tesla models. Since the addition of the car fleet, the number of users and the frequency of driving have also increased significantly, which can be explained by availability.

Industra Bank is open to the ideas of entrepreneurs from various sectors – we finance business projects in both technology and services, manufacturing, agriculture, commercial real estate and other areas. We are also open to completely bold, but well-calculated business ideas. OX Drive, a car sharing platform developed by SIA Spaceship, allows you to enjoy a Tesla ride without having to buy one. Green, current and sustainable – both from the environmental aspects and from the business calculations. We are really pleased that SIA Spaceship chose us as a financial partner for the implementation of its development projects.

Industra Bank board member Jānis Diediškis, responsible for customer service and business development

The founders of the Tesla sharing platform are four young entrepreneurs – Egija Gailuma (Latvia), Kristiāns Karlsons (Latvia), Juhan Kaarma (Estonia) and Kristaps Vasiļjevs (Latvia), who together founded the company SIA Spaceship. By combining the experience, knowledge and achievements of the co-founders in the field of start-ups, technological innovation, shared services and the financial sector, the created product differs in the market with a much higher quality of service and the offered opportunities for its beneficiaries. Tesla is the strategic choice of the developers of OX Drive, considering that it is currently the best offer in future mobility – high performance combined with comfort and ecology.

Latvia’s market potential is high and it increases every year, which is confirmed by the large number of users. In addition, society is ready for the transition to more environmentally friendly electric cars. OX Drive is proof that the deciding factor is not the cheapest offer, but environmental issues and the innovation that electric cars bring. In addition, Tesla cars in the electric vehicle niche have high support and demand in Latvia.

According to the app data, the main user of the sharing platform lives in Riga and Pierīga, so last year the area of ​​Riga and Jūrmala was extended to several districts of Pierīga – Mārupi, Jaunmārupi, Ādaži, Babīti, Ulbrok, Baloži, Vecākai, Vadlauči and others.

One of the reasons why residents of Riga and Pieriga are open to using the shared platform is an alternative to private transport – cheaper usage costs compared to fuel, no maintenance costs, free parking spaces in the center of Riga, as well as the possibility to bypass traffic jams using public transport lanes, as well as corresponds to the principles of a green lifestyle.

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