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Latvian Musicians’ Hall of Fame in Liepaja will be supplemented with seven new words

After the concert garden “Pūt, vējiņi!”, Which is called the Latvian Rock Cathedral, in Jurmala Park, reconstruction bronze plates with the names of our famous musicians will be transferred to “Pūt, vējiņi!”. The authors of the idea of ​​the Hall of Fame, installed in 2006, also believe that after the closure of the Latvian 1st Rock Cafe on Zivju Street, it would now have the most suitable place there.

This year, the Musicians’ Hall of Fame has experienced its second major expansion during its 15 years of existence, writes irliepaja.lv. Currently, 45 plates with bronze casts by musicians and 12 plates with popular Latvian music groups can be seen in the Hall of Fame. Unfortunately, a third of the Musicians of the Fame is no longer alive.

Maestro Raimonds Pauls, singer Ieva Akuratere, composer and singer Mārtiņš Freimanis, winner of the 2002 Eurovision Song Contest Marija Naumova, rock musician Ainars Virga and many others have captured their handprints there. The logos of the groups “Credo”, “Eolika”, “Pērkons”, “Zodiaks” and other legendary ensembles and the list of their members are cast in bronze.

Both in 2013 and this time the jury commission, consisting of musicians Aivars Hermanis, Igo, Māris Žigats, Valdis Skujiņš, Guntars Račs, musicologist Daiga Mazvērsīte, music journalist Sandris Vanzovičs, as well as Latvijas 1, decided to admit new musicians to the Hall of Fame. Raivo Mediņš, the owner of the rock café “Reiterna nams” and the author of the idea of ​​the Hall of Fame.

The plates have been ordered by the Liepāja Municipal Administration, they have been made in cooperation with the company “AR Module Factory” and have cost 16,806 euros.

Intended after the renewed concert performance “Blow, winds!” detection move it there.

“Since the 1st Rock Cafe there is no,” Blow, winds! ” would be a more appropriate place, ”thinks Valdis Skujiņš, the founder of the group Credo. “I also see an opportunity to place the Hall of Fame near the Livu Ghost Tree.”

The relocation of the “Music to Music” object is also supported by the creator of the musicians’ plaques, artist Reinis Kuncītis: “When there was a Rock Cafe, it was understandable why there are plaques. It is now unclear why they are there. “

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