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Latvian and Soviet Cinema Legend Pauls Butkēvičs Reveals Aggravated Spinal Problems on His 83rd Birthday

“I am stung like a hedgehog. My back hurts, the pain is terrible, so I basically sleep. I am practically tied to the bed,” reveals Latvian and Soviet cinema legend Pauls Butkēvičs. August 8 was his 83rd birthday.

Called a week before his birthday at his home in “Rudzīši” of Daudzes parish, the legendary film actor Pauls Butkēvičs, who has more than 150 film roles in his creative account, told “Vakara Zinăt” in a conversation with “Vakara Zinăt” that he has aggravated spinal problems. He once broke his back while filming, but the injured spine, of which, as he says, two pieces have broken off, is making itself felt again. At the end of July, the pain became so unbearable that I had to ask for medical help.

“Yes, it is very difficult at the moment. I was shocked from one place, now I’m pricked and so funny from those syringes. But in general it’s very nice”, the jubilee tries to keep his joy in life. “I’m already moving a little, training, walking at stops, the house is full of all kinds of strollers and “walkers”, but I’m generally sleeping. Now. Well, as it is, it is. What can one do there… But life is beautiful,” says the jubilee. “Doctors do not predict any improvement, we have to exist. In any case, I fight and do everything to stay better.»

Zinta Jansone, spouse of Paula Butkēvičs, costume designer, long-time employee of Latvian Television, in a conversation with “Vakara Zinės” added that all these health problems are his “lifetime investment”. And so this summer is very difficult for both of them. And of course, that’s why celebrating a birthday is out of the question. “Modern medicine cannot help. There are only painkillers and sleeping pills, and we live off of them. They are the main “nutrients”, says the actor’s spouse.

Asked how she herself is doing with her health, Zinta Janson refused to hold on. “You have to hold on! There are no other options. And that’s how we stay, we push each other as hard as we can. Like all my life. We try to keep our nose up, because there is no other way. We live only with the thought that it will be fine,” she admits.

2023-08-23 11:09:24
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