have a good weekend withweather and no rain.hope: I already startedenjoy it.the broadway theon was thefirst to fall and last toreopen.its reopening is a greatcontribution for tourism andheritage and HispanicBerenice tells us how thecontribution of Latinos iseach time vital to thishinú.berenice: broadway esá deReturn. to celebrate, haprepared several shows thatwill present on this stage oftimes square.many latinos areprotagonists.[úsica]This group of actors rehearses theiract of reopening.the director luis salgadoensures that the pandemic does notended with the achievements thatLatinos had reached inbroadway.>> it’s coming back, butwe have to resonate with wingsstrength.The actor Esar Samayoa explainsthat in more than never timeto go out and shine.>> especially Latinosthey can stop and say i’m here.berenice: stories speaklords who, after having beenunemployed, now back topolish your talents.>> means return 95,000jobs.berenice: a spokeswoman whopromotes tourism in thecity explains that the pandemicit affected us all equally.>> new york at 19receipt1,000,000,000,000,000,000 ofolaresoma of which 5%it was income that came fromthe oma arts ofentertainment, hotelsand in the restaurantswe look forward to the next few yearsgo back to there.berenice: Latinos inbroadway hopes to recover wingsthat what not mixed.>> a job like gloryand emilio estefan or lin’sManuel Miranda.you use those rhythms torepresent and see ourfaces reflected in thestage.Berenice: the best thing is that I knowyou can enjoy these showsto obtain the information,scan the qr code you see in