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Latinos and the immediate political future of the United States

Washington and New York. Latinos eligible to vote have increased from 14.3 million in 2000 to more than 36 million today, according to the Pew Research Center, and in the 2024 presidential race, their participation could once again determine who wins the White House.

This year, Latinos are projected to make up nearly 15 percent of the electorate, almost double what they made up in 2000 when they made up just 7.4 percent of voters. The states with the most Latino voters are first California with a quarter of the total, followed by Texas, Florida, New York and Arizona.

Part of their potentially decisive role has to do with where they are concentrated. Latinos make up nearly a quarter of the population in Nevada and Arizona, two of the so-called swing states that will determine the presidential election; they also make up 4 to 6 percent of five other swing states, enough to make the difference between victory or defeat for the presidential candidates.

According to polls, Republican candidate Donald Trump has been gaining more support among Latinos, especially due to his message of economic policies and some socially conservative positions that appeal to a part of the Latino community. For its part, Kamala Harris’ campaign has just released its first television spot in Spanish and has just been endorsed by the oldest Latino electoral organization in the country, LULAC. The dispute for this vote will be vital for both contenders during the next three months.

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#Latinos #political #future #United #States
– 2024-08-20 10:36:01

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