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Latin American Leaders Pay Tribute to Salvador Allende in Santiago de Chile

The leaders of Colombia, Gustavo Petro; Uruguay, Luis Lacalle Pou; Mexico, Andrés López Obrador, and Bolivia, Luis Arce have traveled to Santiago de Chile to participate in the events in memory of Salvador Allende, who died during the coup d’état perpetrated on September 11, 1973. López Obrador has highlighted the figure of Allende , “an apostle of democracy.” “We reaffirm the deep respect and affection for President Salvador Allende, symbol of the dignity of public servants around the world, who still governs by his example. The people of Mexico and Chile will continue to be united by shared ideals of freedom, justice, democracy and sovereignty,” López Obrador has declared. Petro, for his part, has highlighted that this “is a great opportunity for Chileans to unite behind such a noble purpose and set a necessary example to the rest of Latin America and the world.” Thus, he has criticized “a coup that plunged Latin America into violence.” “The sons and daughters of Salvador Allende triumph again thanks to the people and we do not lower the flag of Social Justice,” he highlighted. “If humanity falls into barbarism and the self-destruction of its existence through neo-fascism, the new Pinochets, which grow everywhere from fear and lies, or if we deepen democracy and achieve systems change to reinvigorate life and the intensity of our existence,” he argued. On the part of Bolivia, Luis Arce has criticized “not only coups d’état like this one (in 1973), but also the modern way of carrying out coups d’état through parliaments, through the Judicial Branch, through all the instances that want to violate democracy,” he said at the entrance to the La Moneda Palace. “The Bolivian people are committed to democracy, the Bolivian people continue to support all those initiatives that propose the strengthening of the ties of brotherhood and democracy in our countries. Glory to fellow President Allende!” He proclaimed. From Europe, the Prime Minister of Portugal, António Costa, and the President of the German Senate, Peter Tschentscher, have traveled to Chile to participate in the events in memory of Allende. Left-wing personalities such as the former president of Uruguay José Mujica and the president of the Abuelas de la Plaza de Mayo association, Estela de Carlotto, also attended.

2023-09-11 22:05:39

#López #Obrador #Petro #Arce #represent #Latin #America #50th #anniversary #coup #Allende

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