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Latest Updates on Israel-Gaza Conflict: FAA Urges Caution, China Expresses Concern, and More


Hamas leader Haniyeh: “It is a heroic campaign in defense of the Al-Aqsa mosque.” The Israeli prime minister responds: “We will win. They will pay a very high price.” The head of the Shaar Regional Council Hanegev was killed. Iran: “Proud of the Palestinian fighters”


FAA urges maximum caution in Tel Aviv airspace

US aviation officials issued a special bulletin for pilots and airlines operating near Tel Aviv, urging “extreme caution.” “Potentially dangerous situation – Israeli airspace,” reads the Federal Aviation Administration’s warning to pilots, officially known as the Notam.
“Due to the ongoing conflict between Israel and Gaza, operators are advised to exercise extreme caution when operating in the Tel-Aviv flight information region.”
“Flight crews must remain in contact with air traffic control at all times,” the notice reads, highlighting the possibility of “airspace closures.”
The FAA advisory follows an earlier advisory from the Israel Civil Aviation Authority that urged pilots and airlines to use caution, expect delays and “calculate fuel accordingly.” (AGI)Ila


China worried about escalation of Palestine-Israel violence

China is deeply concerned about the current escalation of tension and violence between Palestine and Israel. A spokesperson for the Chinese Foreign Ministry said this. China calls on “the relevant parties to maintain restraint and calm, immediately stop the fighting, protect civilians and prevent the situation from deteriorating.”
The note highlights the difficulties and “the long-term stagnation of peace processes” which are now unsustainable. The fundamental way to calm hostilities “lies in the implementation of ‘two countries’ and the creation of an independent Palestinian state.”


Mauritania, Hamas attacks logical result of violations

Mauritania believes that the attacks by the Islamist group Hamas in Israel are the “logical result” of the “violations” committed by Israel against the Palestinian people.
“This escalation is the logical result of the continuous provocations and regular violations of the rights of the Palestinian people and the sanctity of the El Aqsa Mosque by the Israeli occupation authorities,” the Mauritanian Foreign Ministry said in a statement.


Nicaragua, in solidarity with Palestinians but condemns war

The Nicaraguan government, led by Daniel Ortega, said it was “always in solidarity with the Palestinian cause” and condemned the “aggravation” of the “terrible” Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
The government stated: “With all responsibility and knowledge of the cause, we strongly condemn the worsening of the terrible Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which generates more and more victims and pain among many innocent families, and which aggravates the already violent situation in the region and in the world”.


Bremmer, ‘Saudi Arabia-Israel agreement was close, now dead’

The agreement between Saudi Arabia and Israel “was close, there was a lot of trust. At the moment I think it is dead, this does not mean that it can be relaunched at another time”. This was stated by Ian Bremmer, the president of Eurasia Group, in an interview with CNN


Amnesty International, “Every effort to protect civilians”

Amnesty International urged the Israeli military and Palestinian armed groups to make every effort to protect civilian lives.
“We are deeply concerned by the number of civilians killed in Gaza, Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories and call on all parties involved to respect their obligations under international humanitarian law and avoid further bloodbath,” said Agnès Callamard , secretary general of Amnesty International.
“Deliberately attacking civilians and carrying out disproportionate and indiscriminate attacks that kill or injure civilians are war crimes. Israel has repeatedly committed them, with impunity, in previous wars against Gaza. Palestinian armed groups must stop targeting, as they have already done in the past and even more so today, the Israeli civilian population and put an end to the use of indiscriminate weapons: these actions, in turn, constitute war crimes,” Callamard added.


Netanyahu, it will be a “long and difficult” war

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said his country was “embarking on a long and difficult war” imposed by the Palestinian movement Hamas, which carried out an unprecedented attack on Israeli territory. At least 300 Israelis and 232 Palestinians have now died. In a message posted on his X account, Netanyahu said the war “was forced on us by a murderous attack by Hamas.” The first phase of the war, Netanyahu writes, involves the “destruction of most of the enemy forces” that have infiltrated Israel and killed civilians and soldiers. Israel has also launched an offensive in Gaza “and will continue without hesitation and without respite until the objectives are achieved,” he added.


Israel: death toll from Hamas attacks rises to at least 300

Following Hamas’ surprise attacks, the death toll in Israel has risen to at least 300, an Israeli official told CNN. According to Israeli media, more than 1,500 people were injured. Fighting continued throughout the day and a new series of rocket attacks hit Tel Aviv and other areas on Saturday evening.


Blinken hears from Riyadh and Cairo, seeks immediate stop to Hamas attack

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken spoke with the foreign ministers of Saudi Arabia and Egypt. Blinken “reaffirmed Israel’s right to defend itself” and pushed for “coordinated efforts to achieve an immediate halt to violent attacks by Hamas terrorists.” We appreciate Egypt’s ongoing efforts and reiterate the urgent need for a halt of Hamas attacks,” Blinken says.


US, too early to say whether Iran was implicated in the attack

It is too early to say whether Iran is implicated in the assault on Israel. An American official said this, according to US media reports.


Israel: USA, let’s discuss possible military aid

The United States and Israel are discussing possible military aid. This was stated by an American administration official.
The official explained that an announcement from Washington is possible as early as today, but noted that the situation in Congress – where the House is currently without a leader – will complicate the issue.

2023-10-08 01:53:04
#Israel #USA #lets #discuss #military #aid #Hamas #attack #Operation #Storm #Netanyahu #long #difficult #war

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