But I know what you’re thinking. Since when do young people care so much about the consequences of their drinking habits?
As it turns out, many Gen Zers were worried that their straw might cause wrinkles on their lips in the future, according to board-certified dermatologist Dhaval Bhanusali Allure said“When you use straws, you keep pursing your lips, which causes perioral wrinkles to appear sooner.”
“Although wrinkles take years to form, you may see them around your mouth sooner if you use straws frequently, as folding your lips triggers the breakdown of collagen and elasticity more quickly.”
Whether or not there’s scientific evidence to support this bizarre theory, you’d have to literally suck the fun out of life (pun intended) to avoid mouth wrinkles altogether, so I’d say there’s more to it.
Namely, that they are exposed to countless images of supposedly “perfect” faces and bodies online every day, not to mention the tireless influencers Promotion of cosmetic proceduresit would be quite difficult for Generation Zers not to buy into the idea that they should look as filtered as possible, with no variations in tone or texture, no pores or fine lines, because, well, ever.
With this in mind, it should come as no surprise that the general consensus is that trendy products are just another marketing ploy designed to make us feel negative about our bodies’ natural aging process, the final straw that breaks the camel’s back in beauty endeavors , to completely eliminate “imperfection”. ‘ if you want.
“Just know, if you ever see me drinking out of one of those anti-wrinkle straws, I’ll lose track,” he says TikTok user @essiedennis. “It made me want to age even faster.” “I want to be a witch by the age of 40, living in a swamp with my wrinkled mouth.”
I can’t help but agree wholeheartedly.
2023-11-17 20:11:52
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