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Latest Pertalite & Pertamax Prices May 31 at All Gas Stations, Check Here!


Price of Pertalite and Pertamax today , Tuesday (31/5/2022) is still the same as the previous price. The stable fuel price is allegedly due to the government’s policy of subsidizing from the state budget.

However, currently there are rumors circulating regarding restrictions on the purchase of Petralite type fuel. The National Energy Council (DEN) itself has also confirmed the existence of a government discourse that will regulate the purchase of Pertalite type fuel.

Not only that, the government will also refine the rules for purchasing diesel and 3 kg LPG. DEN Secretary General Djoko Siswanto said the rules for purchasing diesel and 3 kg LPG actually already exist, but what is not yet there is the regulation for the purchase of Pertalite.

“It’s already there (rules for diesel and 3 kg LPG). The existing rules want to be refined, basically, that’s all. Pertalite has not been regulated, I want to include Pertalite, that’s roughly what it is,” he told detikcom, Monday (30/5/2022). ).

He said that consideration for the purchase of Pertalite would be regulated, among other things, due to rising commodity prices. Then, there was a migration from Pertamax to Pertalite.

“Yesterday, prices went up, right. There was a lot of abuse. Same, Pertamax went up, so there was migration, right,” he said.

Latest Pertalite and Pertamax Prices

For the price of Pertamax at all Public Fuel Filling Stations (SPBU) it varies depending on the region. Meanwhile, the price for Pertalite at all gas stations is the same. The price of Pertalite throughout Indonesia is IDR 7,650.

As for the fuel price adjustment, which is carried out every time, Pertamina is carried out in order to implement the Ministerial Decree (Kepmen) of ESDM No. 62 K/12/MEM/2020 concerning Basic Price Formula in Calculation of Retail Sales Prices for General Fuel Oil Types of Gasoline and Diesel Oil Channeled Through Public Fuel Filling Stations.

Pertamax Price List in all provinces:

Aceh Rp 12,500

North Sumatra Rp 12,750

West Sumatra RP 12.750

Riau IDR 13,000

Riau Islands IDR 13,000

Batam Municipality (FTZ) IDR 13,000

Jambi Rp 12,750

Bengkulu IDR 13,000

South Sumatra Rp 12,750

Bangka-Belitung Rp 12,750

Lampung Rp 12,750

DKI Jakarta Rp 12,500

Banten Rp 12,500

West Java Rp 12,500

Central Java Rp 12,500

DI Yogyakarta Rp 12,500

East Java Rp 12,500

Bali Rp 12,500

West Nusa Tenggara IDR 12,500

East Nusa Tenggara IDR 12,500

West Kalimantan Rp 12,750

Central Kalimantan Rp 12,750

South Kalimantan Rp 12,750

East Kalimantan Rp 12,750

North Kalimantan Rp 12,750

North Sulawesi Rp 12,750

Gorontalo Rp. 12,750

Central Sulawesi Rp 12,750

Southeast Sulawesi Rp 12,750

South Sulawesi Rp 12,750

West Sulawesi Rp 12,750

Maluku Rp 12,750

North Maluku Rp 12,750

Papuan Rp 12,750

West Papua RP 12,750

Here’s the list Pertalite and Pertamax prices today at all Pertamina gas stations throughout Indonesia.

(fdl / fdl)

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