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Latest News of the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States and the world

The United States has recorded in recent days a record growth in cases of coronavirus. “The window of opportunity to stop” the pandemic “is closing”, the Health Secretary has warned.

These are the main information of this Tuesday, June 30:

Dr. Fauci warns that there could be up to 100,000 infections a day if measures are not taken

Dr. Anthony Fauci, a health expert who advises the White House in the midst of the pandemic, warned Congress on Tuesday that if the current case trend “doesn’t change,” the United States could see daily growths of up to 100,000 daily infections.

“I think it is important to tell you and the American public that I am very concerned that this could end very badly,” Fuci told a Senate committee to assess President Donald Trump’s response to the pandemic.

Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.Getty Images / Getty Images

The last friday the record of daily infections was registered with 45,255 cases, according to a count from the Johns Hopkins University Engineering Science Center.

The figure exceeds by almost 10,000 the infections registered last April 24, one of the worst during the pandemic.

[El récord de hospitalizaciones por COVID-19 en siete estados dispara la alarma de colapso del sistema sanitario]

According to Fauci, “I wouldn’t be surprised” if the count reaches 100,000 cases a day. Although he assured that he could not make an accurate prediction, “I can assure you that it will be disturbing because when we have an outbreak in one part of the country, although they are doing well in other parts, they are vulnerable.”

Graph of the number of daily coronavirus cases and the weekly average.Felipe Gálvez, Telemundo

“We cannot just focus on the areas that are on the rise. That puts the whole country at risk,” he added.

The University of Washington’s projection model ensures that there could be up to 80,000 infections per day by September if the mitigation measures continue to be relaxed. On the other hand, if the use of the mask is complied with, the daily numbers could fall to less than 10,000.

According to Fauci and other health officials who presented testimony, the use of the mask is “extremely important” to contain the outbreak. “We recommend to everyone (the use of the mask)”, especially to the younger populations that are not exempt from the use of the use of a face mask.

The European Union reopens its borders for 15 countries, but the United States is not one of them

The European Union excluded the United States from the list of countries that will be allowed flights, by reopening its borders after about three months of closure due to the coronavirus pandemic.

The 27 members of the EU released on Tuesday the list of 15 safe nations because they consider that they have low levels of coronavirus to represent a risk for the inhabitants of the European block.

The countries without restrictions to enter Europe are Algeria, Australia, Canada, Georgia, Japan, Montenegro, Morocco, New Zealand, Rwanda, Serbia, South Korea, Thailand, Tunisia and Uruguay.


The last country on the list is China, the first country affected by the pandemic, but the EU asked it in return to also lift barriers to entry for European inhabitants.

European countries such as Italy, Spain, France and England were hit hard by the pandemic, but three months later they have been able to decrease the spread, with an average of 16 cases per 100,000 inhabitants.

The United States, by contrast, has seen the outbreak rapidly increase in several of its states in the last few weeks, and has an average of 107 infected per 100,000 inhabitants.

Experts try to solve the mystery of asymptomatic patients. They insist on the use of face masks

The COVID-19 pandemic, which has left more than 500,000 deaths worldwide, continues to pose major questions to scientists.

The asymptomatic patients they are one of the headaches for doctors. The United States has more than 2.5 million confirmed cases of coronavirus but it is likely that they are more. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), for every reported case there could be another 10 people infected.

Many asymptomatic cases went unnoticed initially because states faced severe insufficient evidence. Many people did not find out they were positive because they were asymptomatic, Dr. Marybeth Sexton, an assistant professor of medicine at Emory University in Atlanta, told NBC News, Telemundo’s sister network.

“Until we know how responsible asymptomatic people are for virus transmission, it makes a lot of sense to keep insisting that everyone should wear face masksSexton noted.

“If you are in that category and you use one, that will prevent you from infecting people and transmitting viral particles into the environment,” he reiterated.

Sexton said the long incubation period for the virus has also led to some confusion over how “asymptomatic” is defined. According to the CDC, it can take up to 14 days for symptoms to develop.

“There are people who are positive but really have no symptoms, and there are people who develop very mild or atypical symptoms, and then there are people who think they are asymptomatic until asked about some of the more unusual manifestations of COVID-19” , he specified. “But sometimes this is all grouped together as ‘asymptomatic,'” he added.

People in all three categories – including those who are presymptomatic – are believed to be able to transmit the virus.

It is not yet known whether COVID-19 antibodies confer some kind of immunity, but if they do, recent results suggest that protections may not last long, especially among asymptomatic patients.

New Jersey halts reopening of restaurants and bars

New Jersey was the last to join the list of more than a dozen states that are halting the reopening of restaurants and bars due to the appearance of new coronavirus cases, starting Thursday, Monday.

Governor Phil Murphy announced on Twitter that the overcrowding scenes “cannot continue.” “We had planned to loosen the restrictions this week,” he said.

Until now There are already 14 states that have slowed the reopening after reporting a rebound in cases.

In New York, Governor Andrew Cuomo said Monday that he will decide in two days whether to resume eating in the interior of the most populous city in the country.

Jacksonville, the host city of the Republican Party convention, calls for the use of masks

The city of Jacksonville, where President Donald Trump is expected to accept the Republican nomination in his reelection bid, enacted Monday that the mask is mandatory in public and indoor locations, as well as in places where social distancing is not possible. .

Republican Mayor Larry Curry, a Trump supporter, had just stated last week that he would not require a mouthpiece.


Republicans and Trump moved the Republican Convention to Florida after North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper refused to guarantee that the event could be held in Charlotte without restrictions due to the coronavirus pandemic.

It is unclear whether the mandate to wear the mask will remain in effect during the Republican convention Aug. 25-27 at the Vystar Veterans Memorial Arena, which can seat 15,000 people.

According to the White House press secretary, Kayleigh McEnany, the president said that “it is up to each person whether to wear a mask or not” and that he has no problem with them.

Mexico exceeds 220,000 infections and 27,000 deaths from COVID-19

Mexico reached 220,657 confirmed cases of COVID-19 on Monday and 27,121 deaths since the epidemic began, health authorities reported.

In the last 24 hours, 3,805 new infections and 473 deaths were reported.

In addition to the 27,121 deaths accumulated since the start of the pandemic, the Mexican health authorities reported 2,055 suspicious deaths in the laboratory study to confirm if the cause is the coronavirus.

In the week that began this Monday, 14 states remain at a maximum risk level marked by the color red and 18 entities are at a high contagion level, indicated with orange.

With information from NBC News, Efe and The Associated Press.

See also:

Mike Pence cancels political events in Arizona and Florida due to coronavirus

Texas, Florida, California and Arizona record record numbers of coronavirus infections after reopening

Family gatherings, churches and bars: coronavirus is firing differently than in spring

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