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Latest News Former Head of BEM UGM Fathur, Who Was Viral, Now Married


Mother still remembers the figure of ex Head of BEM UGM Fatur that had gone viral? This man whose full name is Muhammad Atiatul Muqtadir once stole the attention of netizens when he joined a demonstration in front of the DPR Building to reject the Criminal Code Bill some time ago.

Not long ago, the man who was born on August 1, 1998 got married, you know, Mother. The news of Fatur’s marriage suddenly shocked the public and immediately became a trend on social media.

According to news circulating, Fathur married a woman named Putri on Saturday, May 29, 2021, in Pelembang, South Sumatra. Their wedding videos were uploaded in Instagram Stories Didi Faldian Wedding Organizer.

In the short video, Fathur is seen wearing brown Javanese traditional clothes. In front of Fathur there is the figure of his wife who is wearing matching colored clothes.

In another video, Fathur and his wife can be seen wearing traditional Palembang clothes for a wedding reception. The two of them looked harmonious as they entered the wedding hall.

Since his name went viral and became the idol of women, love life Fathur is often in the spotlight. Not many know the love story of a 23-year-old man and his wife, Putri.

Fathur Former Head of BEM Married/ Photo: Instagram @didifaldianwo-

By account Twitter @wandaapr945, Fathur and Putri have known since middle school. Putri is a student majoring in Psychology at Airlangga University. The two of them decided to get married after undergoing ta’aruf, Mother.

Mas Fathur, FKG UGM student, Mba Putri, UNAIR Psychology student. Married through ta’aruf path, have known since junior high school and even have first love, duh, complete package, both smart and knowledgeable in religion,” wrote the account, Sunday (30/5/21).

Fathur’s marriage made many women heartbroken, Mother. Not a few you know who express it on social media.

Already good at public speaking, good at reading the Koran with leadership, not dating, pesantren alumni, mashaallaaah, let’s push ourselves, “wrote @an ***.

Must be this national heartbreak, “ujar @le ***.

Not anyone but a broken heart, oh my goodness both first love. Dahlah is very sad,” said the account @de***.

Fathur’s figure is indeed quite admired since he became viral in the media. What does he look like?

Read the next page.

Also check out Lenna Tan’s wise message for couples who want to marry young, in the following video:

[Gambas:Video Haibunda]

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