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“Latest News and Updates on Mexican Politics and More: Health Emergencies, Political Calls, and More”

healthy boundary

The former president of the Supreme Court, Arturo Zaldívar, used the TikTok platform to practically distance himself from those who link him to the Fourth Transformation and President Andrés Manuel López Obrador. Between funny phrases and memes, he affirmed that his only commitment was with the Constitution and it will continue to be so in the next votes. Be?

health emergency

With more than half a million deaths, partial vaccinations for adolescents and minors, without its own vaccine (because the Homeland is not finished), with the minimal application of free diagnostic tests (so as not to give real figures), and without reports of excess updated mortality (which generates opacity), yesterday the Government of Mexico decreed the end of the health emergency due to Covid-19, taking advantage of the WHO recommendation, although at the beginning of the pandemic, they ignored the emergency alert issued by this international agency. They say that the 4T only pays attention to what is convenient for it, is it?

urgent call

The national leader of Morena, Mario Delgado, yesterday asked his federal legislators to support the campaigns of Delfina Gómez, in the State of Mexico, and Armando Guadiana, in Coahuila. They tell us that the call, which was held behind closed doors in the Chamber of Deputies auditorium, rather than enthusing the deputies, they took it stoically, and not for anything else, but because they don’t see much point in doing it when there are a little more to go three weeks for voting. Be?

lost morenistas

Some in the National Regeneration Movement are a bit lost on the issue of the so-called “Plan B”, since they have demanded that the Supreme Court of Justice, of Norma Piña, be against reducing the bloated bureaucracies. The issue is that, in the session last Monday, the highest court reversed the first part of the electoral reform, which only included modifications to the General Law of Social Communication and the General Law of Administrative Responsibilities… The script. Be?

They say it’s green

The leaders of the Green Party began to claim the governorship of Chiapas. They say that it is theirs, as if the positions of popular election had an owner, and that they left it to Morena as support for the 4T led by Andrés Manuel López Obrador, but the greens are even considering a name… You would have to ask the morenista roosters What do you think, will you be willing to leave the candidacy? Will it be?

2023-05-10 06:33:44
#Healthy #boundary #hours

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