Latest news and rumors house 2 for today September 11, 2023:
Ekaterina Skalon and Sergei Khoroshev declared themselves a couple. Katya decided to give the guy a chance to build a beautiful and vibrant relationship on a television set. Alexey Bezus was disappointed in Liza Subbotina when he heard that they would have sex after the wedding. Bezus immediately changed his mind about taking the girl seriously, who became demanding of him, and she herself was flirting and filming a video with Ignat Grigoriev. Ivan Barzikov increasingly spends time in the company of Anna Samonina and her mother Tatyana. Is there really going to be a new couple on the project? Or just a trio of comedians?
Christina Bukhynbalte said that she wants to buy an apartment, but has not yet decided whether in Moscow or Italy. Dmitry Dmitrenko, who is waiting in the wings to return to the project, has a new role in a series about the war, is the top TV show “growing and developing” outside the perimeter?
Alexandra Cherno suffers because of a military man who made up tales of great sympathy. At one point, she thought about publishing the deceiver’s phone number and his call sign online, but came to her senses in time. This is what unrequited love brought the former participant to, isn’t it time for her to return to her husband living in her rented apartment?
Sergei Rabiza, who was kicked out of House 2 during the vote, is looking for acquaintances in Moscow with whom he can spend the night and stay for a few days. Did they really not even give money to the new member of House 2 for travel? Following the music track “Jordans,” Elizaveta Polygalova recorded the song “I Don’t Believe You.” Another singer on the reality show Dom 2 has made herself known? Anastasia Gold rejoices at the first steps in her project career – Nastya was entrusted with leading the thetas with the participants, and Ilya Yabbarov remained with his competitions, which is quite satisfied. So a replacement has been found for Nelly Ermolaeva?
Latest news from House 2 from for today 09/11/2023 – Ksenia Borodina continues to reflect on the topic of plastic surgery and the hypocrisy of Victoria Boni, who constantly caught the host of House 2 on social networks, and is now offended by honest criticism. Why is Borodina so haunted by Bonya’s appearance?