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Latest news about the coronavirus 28-11-2020

The Netherlands is back in the ‘partial’ lockdown. The number of infections and hospital admissions has been stable for a while, so the question in the coming period is how the holidays will be celebrated. Follow the latest news about the corona virus in the Netherlands here.

– Number of new confirmed corona infections on Saturday: 4.499, there are 1.282 less than on Friday
– The number of corona patients in hospital on Saturday: 1.711, there are 58 less than on Friday
– The number of corona patients in intensive care on Saturday: 511, there are 7 less than on Friday
– Check the number of corona infections here in your municipality

Update 21:13 – Shops in Rotterdam also close at 5 p.m. on Sunday

Retailers in the center of Rotterdam, Alexandrium and on the Zuidplein have to close their doors on Sunday at 5 p.m., just like Saturday. The municipality of Rotterdam has decided to do so after it became too busy in those places on both Friday and Saturday and people could not keep sufficient distance from each other. Even then, shops had to close prematurely.

In a message on Twitter, the municipality calls on people to shop locally online as much as possible. If they do need something from a store, they should come alone and if it is too busy come back at a quieter time.

Update 15:54 – Dordrecht also closes shops due to crowds at 4 p.m.

Dordrecht also closes the shops on Saturday at 4 p.m. due to crowds. The mayor has issued an emergency ordinance for this purpose. Retailers have been told that they are not allowed to let new customers in after 3:30 PM. Earlier today, Rotterdam and Eindhoven decided to take similar measures.

Update 14:43 – Number of corona patients in hospitals decreased again

Hospitals treat fewer corona patients than on Friday. Currently, 1,711 people are in a hospital because of an infection. There are 58 fewer patients than on Friday, reports the National Coordination Center for Patient Distribution (LCPS).

The number of corona patients in nursing wards decreased from 1251 to 1200. In intensive care, there are now 511 people with the corona virus among the victims, against 518 a day earlier.

The number of corona patients in intensive care is slowly but surely decreasing. About 100 beds have become available in the past two weeks. As a result, there are about as many corona patients as people with other conditions in intensive care. The last time intensivists looked after more people with conditions other than corona patients was on October 23.

Update 14:18 – Number of corona infections dropped significantly, 4499 new cases reported

The daily number of corona cases has fallen by nearly 1,300. 4,499 positive tests were reported to the RIVM between Friday and Saturday morning. On Friday, the institute reported (after correction) 5,781 cases, a significant increase compared to Thursday (about 4,500).

The numbers have been fluctuating throughout the week, with declines on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, and sharp increases again on Wednesday and Friday.

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Update 13:55 – Amsterdam calls out: ‘Don’t come to the shopping center!’

In Amsterdam it is busy in the city on Saturday afternoon and a clear instruction is given: “Do not come to the shopping area in the city center! It is too busy there. ” The city has established one-way traffic in the Kalverstraat to keep the crowds on the right track.

Update 12:59 – Part IJmuiden prohibited area to prevent illegal partying

The area around Badweg and IJmuiderslag in IJmuiden was declared off limits on Saturday evening and in the night to Sunday. The Kennemerland security region has decided this, after concrete indications that an illegal party would be held there. Those kinds of parties pose a great risk of spreading the corona virus, the security region states.

Earlier, such decisions were taken for the Reyndersweg in Velsen-Noord, recreation areas Spaarnwoude, De Groene Weelde, the Haarlemmermeerse Bos and Toolenburgerplas and the beaches of Zandvoort and Bloemendaal, to combat illegal parties. The measures worked well there, according to the safety region.

Update 12:27 – Shops in the center of Rotterdam also close earlier on Saturday

In the center of Rotterdam, the shops have to close their doors on Saturday at 5 p.m. and no customers are allowed in anymore. The shops must close completely from 6 p.m. This does not apply to supermarkets. The municipality has decided to do so after the enormous crowds in the city on Friday evening. Due to the massive influx of shoppers, the 1.5 meter distance was difficult to maintain.

Mayor Ahmed Aboutaleb decided to close the shops prematurely on Friday evening, in consultation with the shopkeepers. It was Black Friday, a day when many stores had high discounts. Rotterdam, Amsterdam and Eindhoven, among others, also called for people to stop coming to the center because of the crowds.

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Update 11:27 – RIVM: second wave of corona may not be over until March, ‘strict lockdown very good idea’

It doesn’t look like we can get out of the second corona wave any time soon. In an interview with the NOS, head of infectious disease control Jaap van Dissel and Jacco Wallinga, responsible for the calculation models at RIVM, say that this could take until March. An ‘Italian lockdown’ could provide a solution.

According to scientists, the government does not have many buttons to turn on. The Dutch should feel more “co-owner of the problem of corona spread”. The fact that the figures are moving so slowly in the right direction could well be due to people working from home less, according to Van Dissel. “It is busier on the road than it was in March. Ultimately, all this translates into the number of contacts that help determine how many infections there are. ”

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Update 06:31 – Number of corona infections in Germany is slightly down

The number of new corona infections in Germany in the last 24 hours is somewhat lower than in the previous days, according to figures from the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), the German counterpart of RIVM.

The RKI reports 21,695 infections on Saturday against 22,805 new cases a day earlier. On Thursday, 22,268 new infections were registered.

In the past 24 hours, 379 people in Germany died from Covid-19. That’s 47 fewer than the day before, when 426 were killed. The total official death toll from the lung virus in Germany so far stands at 15,965.

Update 01:22 – United airline started distributing corona vaccines

The American airline United started the first phase of the distribution and distribution of millions of corona vaccines around the world on Friday. People involved in the trial report this to The Wall Street Journal.

Pfizer declined to comment on United’s role in the plan. The vaccine is still pending authorization and approval for use by most nationwide drug watchdogs.

The United States expects to vaccinate the first Americans with a corona vaccine in the course of December. The plan is to have vaccines delivered to inoculation sites by the US drug service FDA within 24 hours of approval, said the immunologist who leads operation “Warp Speed.” He hopes that vaccinations can start “maybe on December 11 or 12”.

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