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“Latest changes have been included”: Dutch site sales…

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In the Netherlands there was a website online for a while where you could order a corona kit for € 33.50, with which you could infect yourself. The goal: to obtain a recovery certificate. The site has since been taken offline.

Source: The Telegraph

“The virus that you receive is not older than three months, so you can be sure that the latest mutations and variants have also been included”, unknown initiators report on the site. The Inspectorate investigates whether and which follow-up steps are necessary. The site has since been taken offline.

“Whether it’s true or not, you shouldn’t want this,” said spokesperson Margreeth Fernhout. “The coronavirus is dangerous. It can make you seriously ill. And you can infect others, who in turn can become seriously ill. Anyone who infects themselves intentionally endangers public health,” the inspectorate reports.

Inspector General Marina Eckenhausen: “While everyone is working hard everywhere in healthcare to help both Covid patients and all other patients, there are apparently organizations that consciously want to spread the virus further. I find that appalling. It is a slap in the face to anyone who has been committed to fighting the pandemic for over a year and a half. And of course also for the relatives of people who have lost their lives to the corona virus.”

According to Fernhout, the warning is also intended for corona infection parties. “Exactly the same is true for other ways in which people intentionally expose themselves to the virus.”

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