Car accident in Offenbach currently: What happened today? Read the daily local police reports from your region here on – today with an up-to-date blue light report transmitted by the police headquarters in Southeast Hesse.
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Press report for the police headquarters in Southeast Hesse from Sunday, July 9th, 2023
Offenbach (ots) –
Offenbach area
Witnesses to a car break-in wanted – Langen
Who saw the two slim suspects with white surgical masks and red applications on Sunday morning around 5 a.m. when they were working on a gray Daimler in Langen on Marienstraße? While the one with a light-colored top and short brown hair was probably a lookout, the second in gray work trousers and dark short hair had obviously opened the door of the parked vehicle in a courtyard entrance. The flashlight in his hand was conspicuous when the thief searched the vehicle. It is not yet known whether they were able to loot before fleeing in the direction of the Bahnhofstrasse. The police are investigating and looking for witnesses on 069 – 8098 1234.
Main-Kinzig area
Fatal traffic accident – Gründau
A serious traffic accident occurred on Saturday night around 11:30 p.m. on the L3271 between Mittel-Gründau and Niedergründau. For unknown reasons, the 19-year-old driver left the road and hit a tree head-on. The car caught fire and almost completely burned out. Although first aiders were quickly on site and tried to save the young woman, only the death of the driver could be determined. To clarify the cause of the accident, an expert was called in by the public prosecutor’s office. The country road was closed for about 4 hours for this purpose.
Fire in a garden hut – Maintal-Wachenbuchen
A large number of emergency calls were received by the fire brigade and police at around 1 a.m. on Sunday morning about a fire on Bachstraße in Maintal-Wachenbuchen. In fact, a garden shed in an allotment garden and part of the adjacent meadow caught fire. The fire brigade was able to extinguish the fire. The cause and the exact amount of property damage are still completely unknown. The Maintal police station is investigating and asking for information on 06181-43020.
The highway police report:
Offenbach am Main, 09.07.2023, PvD A. Scheerbaum
This report was sent on July 9th, 2023 at 7:12 a.m. by the police headquarters in Southeast Hesse.
To keep up to date with all police reports, we also recommend our Blue light alarm on Twitter.
Accident statistics and casualties in road traffic over the last 3 years
In the state Hesse there was a year 2020 of a total of 17,407 road accidents involving personal injury 205 fatalities and 22,352 injured. There has been a slight downward trend in the traffic accidents recorded by the police throughout Germany in recent years. A total of 2,245,245 road accidents were recorded in 2020, compared to 2,685,661 cases in 2019 and 2,636,468 cases in 2018. This trend can also be observed in the number of accidents involving personal injury. In 2020, there were 264,499 accidents in which people were injured, and a total of 3,046 people were killed. In 2018, 3,275 fatalities were recorded out of 308,721 accidents involving personal injury.
Fires and arson in Germany in 2020
According to police records, in Germany in 2020 20,735 cases of arson or causing a fire hazard. According to fire protection statistics, around 200,000 house fires are recorded every year. This means that every two minutes a fire ignites somewhere. Around 600 people die in house fires in Germany every year.
+++ Editorial note: This text was created automatically on the basis of current data from the blue light report from the press portal and crime statistics from the BKA. Original content from: “Notification provider”, transmitted by news aktuell: To the press portal report. In order to inform you as quickly as possible, these texts are automatically generated and randomly checked. If you have any comments or questions, please contact +++
You can also read here which new fines speeders and traffic offenders will have to reckon with in 2021. You will also learn interesting details from us about the discussion about a speed limit for fewer accident fatalities in Germany.
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