Although we have entered September, the late heat is still exceeding 30 degrees during the day.
There will be rain next week and the temperature will drop slightly, but clear, breezy fall weather is expected to be available starting in late September.
Reporter Kim Min-kyung reports.
It’s early September, and if you look at the temperature, it’s still closer to summer than fall.
With the hot sun shining, most daytime temperatures in Seoul exceeded 30 degrees.
In particular, in the early part of the week, a tropical night in September appeared for the first time in 88 years.
This is because east winds blew and high temperatures continued in the western part of the Taebaek Mountains.
In some places, a heat wave warning was issued, which is issued only when the perceived temperature exceeds 33 degrees.
Temperatures are expected to drop slightly next week.
The daytime temperature in Seoul is expected to drop below 30 degrees, and the morning temperature is expected to stay around 20 degrees.
However, it is different from the meteorological fall standard, where the daily average is less than 20 degrees.
Due to the influence of a tropical disturbance approaching from the south, it is expected that rain will be frequent and humidity will be somewhat higher.
[반기성 / 케이웨더 센터장 : 쾌청한 날씨에 일교차가 15도 가까이 벌어지는 완연한 가을 날씨는 9월 하순부터 찾아올 가능성이 큽니다.]
However, as the daily temperature difference gradually increases and we enter a season change, special attention is needed to take care of one’s health.
[박영환 / 세브란스병원 가정의학과 교수 : 환절기에 차고 건조한 날씨가 되면 우리를 바이러스로부터 보호해주는 기도 점막이 마르게 되면서 감기나 다른 호흡기 바이러스 등이 침투하기 좋은 환경이 됩니다.]
Experts advise that when the daily temperature difference increases, it is helpful to wear a mask and frequently drink warm water to prevent the throat and bronchial tubes from drying out.
This is YTN Kim Min-kyung.
Video Editing: Oh Hwon Seul-gi
Graphics: Jaeyong Choi, Yudong Park
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2023-09-09 13:15:00
#날씨 #late #heat #tropical #nights.. #fall #weather #start