Late memories of an old magician
Gretel Springer’s house had to make way for the new development area in Zauckerode. But she set one condition – her “life report” now reveals.
Gretel Springer has managed to get an apartment in the Zauckerode development area – as compensation for her demolished house.
© Photo: Bernd Krüg family archive
The sun shines on the large construction site in front of the house and her balcony. Gretel Springer has pulled her brightly patterned vest over her blouse and placed a vase of asters and marigolds on the balcony railing. It is late summer 1977, her first time in the prefabricated apartment in Freital-Zauckerode. The camera will click soon. The 67-year-old at the time looks contentedly into the lens. In winter she will enjoy the district heating in the apartment.
2023-10-11 03:00:32
#Late #memories #magician