Home » today » News » Last year, SIDN and .nl registrars took 4340 fraudulent online stores offline – IT Pro – News

Last year, SIDN and .nl registrars took 4340 fraudulent online stores offline – IT Pro – News

In 2019, SIDN, in collaboration with .nl registrars, took 4,340 fraudulent webshops offline. A large part of this was discovered with a self-learning tool from SIDN Labs. According to the foundation, that tool now has a security rate of 79.3 percent.

Web shops that are considered fake or fraudulent by the SIDN tool are then manually checked by the support department of the foundation. Of the sites identified by the tool between September and December, 79.3 percent were found to actually lead to a rogue site.

In total, the SIDN together with .nl registrars took 4,340 fake web stores offline last year. According to the foundation, this was done with the help of the tool in a large proportion of the cases. These are sites that do not deliver products or sell fake items without being transparent about them. When signaling a fraudulent web store, the registrar is informed and asked to take the site offline. For sites where data from the domain name holder are missing or incorrect, the SIDN may disconnect the name servers.

The tool that SIDN has been using since 2018 to detect fake web shops, also looks at the time of domain registration and the e-mail address used. According to the foundation, the characteristics are constantly adjusted on the basis of new insights and the self-learning nature of the tool. SIDN provides more details about how the tool works in a blog and in a scientific publication.

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