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Last year, OKD ended up with a profit of over two billion

According to OKD’s chairwoman Vanda Staňková, last year’s operating profit was achieved thanks to the performance of all employees.

“Combined with the control of our operating costs and cost-saving measures, we managed to end 2021 with a high and, I must say, unexpected profit. We have thus created a good starting position for 2022, which, given that it is essentially a The last year of mining will be very demanding both in terms of the operational functioning of our company and in terms of personnel, “she said.

Mining has continued in the ČSM Mine for almost a year. For the whole of 2022, OKD plans to extract approximately 1.3 million tons of coal. According to Chattová, deep mining of hard coal in the difficult conditions of the Ostrava-Karviná basin is burdened by many risks. In particular, the complex geological structure, the danger of mine earthquakes and coal spontaneous combustion, the increased methane emissions and the complex legislative process in permitting mining.

“Although we do everything we can to anticipate risks and take a number of measures to eliminate them, it may not always work and the resources and labor put into preparing for mining may not return in the form of revenues from mined coal. among a much larger number of cutting sites and backup sites were mostly prepared, “added David Hájek, OKD’s director of operations.

According to him, mining was planned for years ahead and problematic pits could be replaced by accelerating others, which were to be mined later. “This is no longer possible in a situation of planned cessation of mining. That is why mining in only one mine is so demanding and risky, any partial failure can have a fatal impact on the company’s financial results. , thanks to the financial reserve created last year, possible outages can be covered, “he said.

OKD is the only producer of hard coal in the Czech Republic. He is gradually ending mining because it does not pay off in the long run. Last year, the company stopped mining in the ČSA and Darkov mines, and coal is mined only in the ČSM Mine, where it is to be mined at least until the end of this year. OKD is owned by the state through Prisko.

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