Home » today » Entertainment » LAST TIME The City Hall of the capital proposes a single parking rate of 5 lei/hour and calls the citizens of Bucharest to a public debate / Special season tickets for residents

LAST TIME The City Hall of the capital proposes a single parking rate of 5 lei/hour and calls the citizens of Bucharest to a public debate / Special season tickets for residents

Interested Bucharest citizens can participate physically or online in the public debate on the single parking rate of 5 lei/hour, which will take place on Tuesday, from 12.00, at the ARCUB headquarters, in via Lipscani n. 84-90, informs the Municipality of the Capital.

On the same occasion, three other draft decisions will be discussed, which aim at: the removal of vehicles illegally parked on the side of the carriageway of public roads, the free use of public parking lots of general utility in the Bucharest area by zero-emission cars carbon emissions; ensure journalists’ free access to the programs of public cultural services of local interest envisaged by the CGMB, as well as their free use of public parking spaces of general utility.

The deputy mayor of the capital, Stelian Bujduveanu, in turn invited interested parties to participate in the debate on the single parking rate of 5 lei/hour.

“Every important decision for the city has been taken together with the citizens of Bucharest. Be it the introduction of unambiguous signs, rules for the use of scooters or the organization of public protest auctions for business premises. Now I I address the citizens of Bucharest with a proposal to simplify the tariff system of public parking in the capital, valid for all categories of users (natural or legal persons).The project has already been published on the website of the Municipality of the capital and many of you have already expressed their views,” he wrote on Facebook, according to Agerpres.

What does the project involve?:

Context. The Bucharest City Hall (PMB) is considering setting up a single zone to include all paid parking lots managed by it and set a single rate. 5 lei would be the price taken into consideration, official sources told G4Media, as early as September 15, just a month after the town hall launched the much-heralded parking “revolution” translated into new rules and new tariffs that came into force on 15 August. However, most of the parking lots are empty due to the fact that motorists, complaining about the high rates, choose to park illegally in order not to pay.

The other projects under discussion

Another draft decision under discussion concerns the amendment of HCGMB no. 371/2019 concerning the lifting, transport, storage and release of vehicles illegally parked on the carriageway of public roads of the main road system, in order to extend the right to order the expulsion order for the public car park management service manager.

The third draft decision provides for the free use of public parking spaces of general utility on the territory of Bucharest by zero (0) carbon emission cars registered in the Municipality of Bucharest, as well as the repeal of HCGMB 140/2016 concerning the ‘free use of generic public utility parking spaces for hybrid cars and approval of the identification sticker model.

Therefore, owners of zero carbon emission cars will be able to make free use of general utility public car parks, but in order to benefit from the free ride they will be required to register in the computerized register of zero carbon emission cars, maintained by the operator of the management of the public service of car parks belonging to the public or private property of the Municipality of Bucharest. The following are the exceptions to these provisions and will have the obligation to pay for parking: zero-carbon cars used for alternative transport activities mediated through digital platforms, those used on the basis of a car sharing system mediated through digital platforms, as well as those that display advertisements.

The fourth project proposes the modification of HCGMB 305/2016 concerning the provision of free access of journalists to the programs of public cultural services of local interest under the CGMB, as well as their free use of public parking lots.

Journalists will thus be able to make free use of the general utility public car parks and those relating to public bodies/services of local interest provided for by the CGMB, subject to accreditation by the Press Management within the PMB. To take advantage of the free service, accredited journalists will be registered in the information system of the Manager of the public car park management service. The identification of the cars of journalists who take advantage of the free ride will be carried out by the manager of the public car park management service, on the basis of the registrations made in the manager’s telematic system.

The public debate meeting will also be broadcast online, via the WebEx video conferencing platform. People interested in participating both in person and through the online platform can register by 12:00 on 21 November, expressly declaring their wish to take the floor in the debate through one of the two methods of participation, thus communicating their name and surname . Those who want to take the floor in the debate on the telematic system will also have to communicate the telephone number and e-mail address to receive the invitation to participate. Registrations can be made online at [email protected] or directly at the PMB Registry located at 42 Regina Elisabeta Blvd., Friday or Monday, from 8:30 to 16:30.

The project documentation can be consulted by accessing the following link: https://www3.pmb.ro/institutii/cgmb/dezb_publica/proiecte

Proposals and suggestions regarding projects subject to the transparency decision procedure can still be submitted until 22 December:

– as an electronic message to the email address: [email protected]/[email protected];

– by mail to the address PMB – Bdul Regina Elisabeta n. 47, sector 5 – Technical and Legal Assistance Department;

– at the PMB Registry (CIDRC), at Bdul Regina Elisabeta, n. 42, sector 5, from 08:30 to 16:30.

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