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Last minute … Very harsh criticism from President Erdoğan to CHP leader Kılıçdaroğlu

President Tayyip ErdoganHe made important statements after the Cabinet Meeting. President Erdoğan also touched on the remarks of CHP Mersin Deputy Ali Mahir Başarır regarding the Turkish army over the Tank-Pallet Factory.


President Erdogan, the age-old game of distorting, centuries-old accounts that totally undermines centuries-old schemes washed, the age-old chains shot in the minds tumble Turkey, of course, noting that it would be those who want to pay the price for it, he found the following assessment:

“We are ready to country and breasts as a nation evelallah in all of them. Us the real upset is bizarre landscape encountered there. Frankly, in Turkey, inimical to the eat country bread, air hating the panting prayer from and flag, a cut does not like the human syrup primrose They seem democratic, humanitarian, tolerant in appearance, but in fact, they are the leaders of the fascist, the coup plotter, the guardian. They seem to work hard on the surface but actually produce nothing. They talk a lot, but actually say nothing. But they do not know anything. They constantly shout but do not listen at all. They know no boundaries in lies and slander, but when it comes to the truth, they immediately turn their backs. They look for democracy not in the will of the nation but in signals coming from abroad. is a mob whose soul is darkened, blinded by its language, and whose tongue is forked. The cost of this mentality, which sucks energy, waste time, pollutes its air and muddles its water, is at least half a century for our democracy and development. ”



Noting that the nation will give the answer they deserve to those who seek to come from outside instead of reaching power by entering the hearts of the nation, Erdoğan made the following statements:

“Though, the nation gave them the answer they deserved at the ballot box in every election, but their agenda and problem is always different. They are so immersed in the calculations of politics, society and ballot box engineering that they do not even see the nation. Buhtan, targeting the Turkish Armed Forces, which CHP members often do, and lastly a deputy recklessly repeated, is a sign that this mentality is turning into a national security issue in its own right. a party of the Turkish Armed understand the forces hostile fine. they would say, our army, instead open the coup, the CHP to power, roads, making Turkey’s border protection and cross-border operation is performing duties. bearers of the love of another pew instead of hearts in Turkey Even if his adjectives are MPs, we cannot let this country buhtan its army with verbal acrobatics. The pain of these is not where the investment in our country came from, but what the Turkish army has done in the last 5 years. “

President Erdogan, the PKK-up Feton from YPG, of which trumpets of unity and togetherness attacking terrorist organization, stressed that Turkey’s political and tried to block efforts to expand the limits of economic security.



those with no problem with feeding open hostility to Turkey, Azerbaijan and Qatar As their friendship to Turkey to show unconditional, Erdogan striking saldırdık of the attack, said:

“Every opportunity to take a stand against showing hostility to our country aside, through their ranks, their arguments us they’re targeting. Turkey at every opportunity they find again complains to foreigners, they are giving the message to arrive in the country to investors. They quinine and hatred of reason in them, what Borsa Istanbul ‘ stopped what are the factory in Sakarya. They would say, behind ancient civilizations and is Turkey is itself the history of the acquis, but by the Turkish nation, the objectives of the country. the democracy that makes the only exploiting this dirty mentality, freedom, most sincere advocate and practitioner of pluralism we have had. I’m speaking here: O person in charge of the CHP, your deputy will stand up, insult my Armed Forces so much, you will insult my Armed Forces so badly, and you will not be able to put this on the door. Know it once, and the Chests will not forgive you either. “



CHP’s Ali Mahir Başarır, in a television program he attended, used the expression “We are at such a point that the state’s army was sold to Qatar for the first time in the history of the Republic.” Upon successful objections, he said, “What is the Tank Pallet Factory? It is the army, of course. This is the honor of the country. It is my honor.”

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