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Last minute… The fire in Izmir even appeared from the city center!

Making a statement on the social media about the fire, Izmir Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Tunç Soyer said, “Our teams are also intervening in the forest fire that started on the ridges of Balçova together with the Forest Regional Directorate teams. Our wish and effort is to put the fire out before it grows more. What happens, let’s protect our forests like our eyes. Do not darken our future! ” used expressions.

CHP İzmir Deputy Tuncay Özkan shared an image from the fire. “Our dear lungs are burning in İzmir. I hope the fire is extinguished before the magnitude of the damage increases. Damn those who break into nature, burn, and try to destroy. My dear Izmir, get well soon. ” he wrote.


In the statement made by the General Directorate of Forestry, it was reported that the fire occurred at 16.14 hours in Petkim, Aliağa Forest Operation Directorate affiliated to İzmir Forestry Directorate, and the first intervention was made at 16.24, and the efforts to control the fire continued.

It was announced that air and ground crews were reinforced from the neighboring regional directorates, 1 helicopter, 7 plots, 2 first response vehicles, 1 dozer and 45 extinguishers were sent to the fire.


İzmir Metropolitan Municipality Fire Brigade also participated in the fire extinguishing works that started in the forest area near Balçova Dam and grew in a short time. Due to a fire that has not yet been determined, the cable car facilities at the top of the mountain have been closed and the entrance of civil vehicles to the area has been blocked.

General Secretary of İzmir Metropolitan Municipality. Buğra Gökçe, Balçova District Governor Ahmet Hamdi Usta and Balçova Mayor Fatma Çalkaya went to the fire zone and received information about the extinguishing works.

54 firefighters, 15 plotters and 50 tankers, who are affiliated to İzmir Metropolitan Municipality Fire Department, participated in the fire extinguishing works affecting an area of ​​11-12 football fields.

The Metropolitan Fire Brigade also intervened in the fire near the petrochemical plants in Aliağa, simultaneously with the fire in Balçova.

General Directorate of Forestry said, “Our response to the Balçova fire from the air and land continues. We will fight until the last flame is extinguished. ”

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