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Last-Minute Tax Filing Deadline Approaching in New York City – Expert Advice and Tips to Avoid Penalties and Scams

On Monday April 15, the date given by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) as maximum deadline to submit the tax return on last year’s revenue, is just around the corner. And while accounting offices throughout the Big Apple are filled with New Yorkers who left their errands until the last minute, many of them Latinos, like Cecilia Castaño, The call from different fronts is not to miss the date and comply with the tax obligation.

This is what the Colombian declarant warns, who, although she recognizes that she is filling out your forms In the final stretch of the allowed time, she feels calmer knowing that she will not experience the hardships she had to endure during the previous two years, when due to “carelessness” she fell behind in fulfilling her responsibility to Uncle Sam, the State and the City. from New York, and it was very expensive.

“The truth is, I tell people that with taxes it is better not to play games and you have to do things on time to avoid problems. This year, even though I’m almost done with them, at least I know that I won’t suffer from the other times I was late filling them out, and not only did I end up paying interest on what they took from me, for being late, But they also audited me and thus one loses all peace of mind with that,” says the Colombian.

Arabella Poueriet, expert in filing tax returns, also called on taxpayers to comply before the next Monday April 15 your obligation and avoid unnecessary headaches.

It is important to do your taxes on time so as not to have any difficulties with the government. And if they have to pay, they know that they have to pay so that they are not charged penalties or interest, and even if they do not have the full money to make their payments, they can make payment agreements with partial sums to make it more comfortable for them. , and so they are not looking bad“said the accounting expert, who helps dozens of New Yorkers each year fill out their tax forms at the Anabella Tours offices, when South Bronx County.

The Dominican took the opportunity to sound the alarm and warned taxpayers who qualify to receive refunds to process it through direct deposits to their bank accounts, as she mentioned that “the friends of other people’s affairs” around these times are looking to see what IRS checks grab.

It is better for people to avoid unpleasant surprises and ask that the refunds reach your accounts, because this way, in addition to being faster, because it takes 10 to 15 days maximum, you avoid having your checks suddenly stolen,” said the accountant. “Right now, in addition, if someone asks for the refund to be sent by mail, you have to give the reason. And if he asks the bank, they will not be in the dilemma of losing it, which is something that happens a lot. There are people who say that they have not received the check and it is not because they have not sent it but because someone else has already grabbed it and cashed it.“.

The tax filing advisor also called on taxpayers, who can declare not only having a Social Security number, but also with the ITIN Number, with which thousands of undocumented New Yorkers fulfill their tax obligation, to next year to prepare and do everything on time.

The message is to try to get psyched up from the beginning so that if they have to return money to pay taxes, they first save it or they can also tell their employer to take out more taxes so that in the end they don’t have to pay anything and even receive refunds,” commented the accountant.

Likewise, and knowing that despite the short time left before the IRS deadline to file taxes on time, there are still many taxpayers who have not filled out their tax forms, the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance recalled that there are resources available online to help those who wish to file their personal income tax returns before the deadline arrives, both to submit them and to pay taxes owed, if applicable.

“We want to provide the most convenient and efficient filing experience possible,” said Acting Commissioner of the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, Amanda Hiller. “The resources available in www.tax.ny.gov can help taxpayers quickly and easily meet their filing obligations before the filing deadline.”

The Municipal Administration also extended the same message of support and resources available to taxpayers who have not yet filed their tax return, and recalled that the City, through more than 130 organizations, including hospitals, offers free processing for people with income family members up to $85,000 with IRS-certified volunteer VITA/TCE preparers.

The City mentioned that even if New Yorkers with a Social Security or ITIN Number do not file their tax returns by the deadline, they can still apply for free help filing their taxes.

“The deadline to file a 2023 tax return is April 15, 2024, but NYC Free Tax Prep preparers provide assistance year-round. If you miss the filing deadline, you can still use NYC Free Tax Prep to file your return or get your questions answered. Please note that fines and fees may apply if you apply late,” commented the Municipal Administration.

And in its effort to warn taxpayers about possible fraud by unscrupulous people, as tax filing day approached, the New York State Department of State’s Consumer Protection Division issued an alert, especially about scams related to laundering checks that are sent to the IRS.

“When you pay your taxes, deposit your check in the lobby of your post office for maximum security. Check laundering scams can really hurt your wallet, so I encourage New Yorkers to follow our tips to protect yourself and your businesses,” said New York Secretary of State Robert Rodriguez.

The state office added that check laundering schemes involve thieves who steal checks, “often in bulk, from U.S. Postal Service mail collection boxes and use common chemicals such as nail polish remover to erase (or “launder”) to the beneficiary and the dollar amount while preserving the original signature on the check.”

The inspector of the US Postal Service of the New York Division, Daniel Brubaker, joined the alert call and asked taxpayers not to ignore recommendations when sending payments in checks to the IRS, more when those complaints have increased in recent years. He also issued a warning to criminals who steal those checks.

“When thieves violate the sanctity of the mail, the US Postal Inspection Service will spare no resources to bring these nefarious individuals to justice for their crimes. “Our persistence in investigating these crimes, along with recent improvements in USPS equipment and other prevention efforts, are the many ways we ensure the public’s trust in the US Postal Service,” the official said. .

The New York State Division of Consumer Protection also mentioned that that agency has a Consumer Assistance Helpline at 1-800-697-1220 that is available Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 a.m. , except state holidays. “Consumer complaints can be filed at any time at http://www.dos.ny.gov/consumer-protection”they said.

The Consumer Protection Division of the New York State Department of State took the opportunity to echo a message issued by the IRS about a message that is being sent to deceive taxpayers.

The IRS also warned taxpayers to be on the lookout for a new scam email that attempts to trick people into believing they are owed a refund.

“The new scheme involves a shipment in a cardboard envelope from a delivery service. The attached letter includes the IRS Header and text indicating that the notice is regarding your unclaimed refund,” the Tax Office said. “Like many scams, the letter includes contact information and a phone number that does not belong to the IRS. But they also look for a variety of sensitive personal information from taxpayers, including detailed photos of driver’s licenses, which can be used by identity thieves to try to obtain a tax refund and other sensitive financial information.”

Data and support sites

  • You can visit the site: for help filling out your tax forms
  • You can fill out your taxes through the direct file program at this link:
  • The City of New York also offers support, through this link:
  • More than 130 organizations and hospital sites offer help with filing tax returns. You can call 311 to request information
  • If you have questions b[asicas y dudas sobre la declaración de impuestos, puede visitar la página del IRS en español en:
  • Si quiere conocer el estatus de su reembolso, una vez haya presentado su declaración de impuestos puede visitar esta página del IRS:
  • Para evitar robos de reembolso es mejor solicitar que se haga en su cuenta de banco
  • Recuerde también que el IRS nunca llama para exigir el pago inmediato de impuestos utilizando un método de pago específico, como una tarjeta de débito prepaga, una tarjeta de regalo o una transferencia bancaria.
  • Generalmente, el IRS primero enviará una factura por correo a cualquier contribuyente que deba impuestos.
  • Amenazar con traer inmediatamente a la policía local u otros grupos encargados de hacer cumplir la ley para arrestar al contribuyente por no pagar, no es algo que haga el IRS, así que si recibe estas llamadas se trata de un fraude posiblemente
  • El IRS nunca exige que se paguen los impuestos sin dar a los contribuyentes la oportunidad de cuestionar o apelar el monto adeudado
  • Tampoco llama inesperadamente sobre un reembolso de impuestos.

2024-04-11 09:47:00
#taxpayers #urged #file #taxes #April #alert #avoid #fraud #Diario

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