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Last minute sharing from MSB! Captured was shared …

The statement made by the Ministry of National Defense included the following statements;

Operation Pençe Kaplan, launched on June 17, continues successfully as planned. Our commandos do not breathe terrorists with their intense search and screening activities in the Haftanin region. Our Hero Commandos, which have entered and continue to enter all the lairs of the terrorist organization PKK, have finally identified 24 more shelters and caves. In the searches made in shelters and caves, a large number of weapons, ammunition and life materials were seized. The seizures are as follows:

1 Biksi Automatic Rifle

2 AK-47 Infantry Rifles

1 Sniper Rifle

1 PGG-7 Rocket Launcher

700 Biksi ammunition

200 AK-47 Ammunition

800 anti-aircraft ammunition

11 rocket launcher ammunition

35 mortar ammunition

8 grenades

55 EYP

1250 mechanical detonators

1000 electric detonators

3 bags of ammonium nitrate

1500 meter electrical cable

2 Thermal suit

1 fixed center terrorist radio,

2 5 kw generators

3 tons diesel / gasoline

2 TVs

3 adhesive hilti

Abundant organizational documents and life materials were seized.


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