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Last minute … New circular about engagement and wedding from the Ministry of Interior

The Ministry of Interior sent a circular on “Engagement / Wedding, Wedding, Coastal Regions Inspections” to 81 provincial governorships.

In the circular, from the moment the Kovid-19 epidemic was seen, in line with the recommendations of the Ministry of Health and the Coronavirus Scientific Committee and the instructions of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, to manage the risk posed by the epidemic in terms of public health and public order, to ensure social isolation, to protect the distance and to keep the speed of spread under control. It was reminded that many precautionary decisions were taken and implemented.

It was emphasized that in the period of controlled social life, compliance with the basic principles of cleaning, mask and distance rules, as well as the precautions / rules determined for all business lines and living areas, and the supervision activities carried out in coordination of governors / district governors are of great importance for the success of the fight against the epidemic.

On the other hand, in the circular, which stated that citizens gather more frequently due to events such as engagements / weddings, which increased due to the summer months or the density of tourism resorts in the coastal regions, it was stated that the rules and measures determined were not adequately observed from time to time, It has been reported that high coronavirus increases the rate of spread.

In the circular, it was stated that inspections will be made today, tomorrow and on Sunday, August 9, in organizations such as weddings, engagement parties, henna night and circumcision weddings.


In this context, in all events such as weddings, engagements, henna nights, circumcision weddings (wedding halls, country weddings, village / street weddings) in all provinces and districts, the Ministry of Health Epidemic Work and Management Guide and the coronavirus received by circulars previously sent to governorships. measures will be taken.

In the audits, it will be checked in detail whether the citizens present as participants and the operators who organize the organization (in the form of wedding hall weddings, those who give undertaking as wedding owner in the form of village / street weddings) comply with the obligations of the parties.


Inspection of beaches where citizens can crowd together in tourism resorts located in coastal regions, party-style entertainment places (beach club, etc.) on the beaches, restaurants, cafes, cafeterias that can turn into entertainment places especially from the evening hours, Ministry of Health Epidemic Work and Management Guide within the scope of coronavirus measures determined by the circulars sent before.

The inspections will be planned to include marine vehicles such as boats and yachts that can be used for the same purposes and can be carried out from the sea if necessary.

During the inspections, civilian clothes will be preferred so as not to disturb domestic and foreign tourists.

Inspection teams will be determined by taking into account the expertise of each business line or location, and to be composed of representatives of the relevant public institutions and organizations (law enforcement, local administrations, provincial / district directorates, etc.) village / neighborhood mukhtars and professional associations.

The effectiveness and visibility of audit activities will be kept at the highest level. During the inspections, guiding and awareness-raising activities will be focused on the citizens in these environments.

In the enterprises, which have been warned by detecting violations of the rules at least twice before or have been given administrative fines, if any violations are detected during these inspections, according to the provisions of the circular dated 30 July 2020, a penalty of cessation of activity for 1-3 days will be applied.

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