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last minute cancellation!

For the second year in a row, the New York Auto Show is canceled! Another blow for manufacturers who are missing, once again, an opportunity to exhibit their novelties.

Just two weeks before its scheduled opening, the New York International Auto Show was canceled due to the pandemic and postponed to April next year.

The show canceled at the last minute

Almost at the last minute, officials in New York pulled the cord: the New York auto show, which was to start on August 18, has been postponed to April 2022. However, it is not certain that the new date can actually be maintained.

According to Mark Schienberg, the head of the organization, ” circumstances have changed in recent weeks, and more particularly in recent days. It is more difficult to create an event that meets the expectations of our customers ».

For the big New York auto show, it’s still a big blow since it had already been outright canceled last year! Regarding European manufacturers, only Porsche had planned to display its colors in New York.

New restriction measures in New York

« Covid-19 pandemic challenges our city, country and the world“Said Mark Schienberg about this new postponement. ” But we know that, like the entire auto industry, the New York auto show will bounce back, bigger and better than before.“, He concluded.

Normally, the exhibition attracts a million visitors. Faced with the resurgence in the number of Covid cases, due to the variant Delta in particular, the local authorities have multiplied for two weeks the announcements about new restrictive measures.

Tuesday, the mayor of New York, Bill de Blasio, announced that a vaccination certificate would be required for all indoor events in the city.

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