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Last minute … AK Party made its decision, the system is changing! 5 percent requirement for parties

The ruling party decided to transform the Political Parties and Election Law amendments, which started discussions some time ago, into a comprehensive and extensive study. The study was removed from the prevention of the transfer of new parties and the formation of a group, and it was transformed into a major legislative survey, including topics such as “new alliance models, election threshold, narrowed region”. There is also a reduction in election thresholds to 5 percent and an increase in the number of election districts at the table.


According to the news of Nuray Babacan from Hürriyet, the commission established in the AK Party will hold its first meeting next week. The commission, headed by AK Party Political Affairs Chairman Hayati Yazıcı, will continue its work throughout the summer and a new package will be brought to the new legislative period, with serious changes in both the political parties and the election law. In the formation of this package, the previous draft work at the party will also be used. In the past, presentations were made to President Tayyip Erdoğan regarding this draft, and the results of the changes made by simulations were shown.


According to the plan, first of all, two laws containing 400 items will be simplified and reduced to approximately 200 items. Apart from simplification, the main work will be on the election threshold. While making comments that the implementation of the Alliance actually eliminated the election threshold, it is claimed that the dam could be turned into a way that the alliance parties get at least 5 percent of the vote. In this case, the dam will automatically decrease to 5 percent. Small parties will be prevented from entering the Parliament through an alliance.


While the ruling party does not look hot in the narrow region in the parliamentary elections, it stands closer to the narrowed area. The new regulation will include provisions for this. A party manager said they could develop an intermediate formula similar to him, even without the narrowed region. The party plans to increase the number of electoral districts in the metropolitan areas. There is also a previous study on this subject.


Turkey parliament will be the subject of this study. Constitutional amendment is required for this. It is stated that if other parties do not support the work, this issue will not be entered as it is not possible to pass it through the Turkish Grand National Assembly. Another issue discussed will be the structure of alliances. It is claimed that the alliance structure can remain the same or the way to make an alliance before the election can be closed. There are also suggestions for parties to join forces after the election, not after the election. It is commented that this situation will make large parties advantageous.

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