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Last minute … 15 patients died in the coronavirus outbreak

The Ministry of Health website located and Minister Fahrettin husband Share on Twitter “Turkey Day coronavirus Table”, according to the latest data, today has made 48 thousand 309 tests, 1356 people Kovid-19 was diagnosed. In the last 24 hours, 15 patients died, 1413 people recovered.

The total number of tests was recorded as 3 million 280 thousand 144, the number of cases 197 thousand 239, the number of deaths 5 thousand 97.

The number of patients in intensive care unit was 996, the number of patients connected to the respirator was 381, the total number of patients recovered was 170 thousand 595.


Minister Koca, in his share of the latest data from his Twitter account, said, “The number of newly diagnosed persons decreased by 16 compared to yesterday and 40 compared to the previous day. Our total number of cases recovered today is 571 lower than yesterday. We are not fast enough in the fight to reduce the number of cases. Summer should not cause complacency. ” used expressions.

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