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Last four objective for the C’Chartres MHB, this Wednesday evening, against Chambéry

There were only big fish left. So, on paper, Chambéry was undoubtedly one of the best possible draws. Or one of the least difficult, depending. It now remains to be seen, on the ground, if the Chartrains will be able to shake up the hierarchy and invite themselves to the semi-finals of the Coupe de France, this Wednesday evening.

“We panic too quickly”, laments Toni Gerona, after the defeat of C’Chartres MHB in Nîmes

Facing the current sixth of Starligue, winner of the competition in 2019, they will look like outsiders. But the Savoyards have already paid to know that the Euréliens are dangerous outsiders. In October, Sergey Kudinov and his teammates had struck a blow at the Lighthouse (25-24 success), before giving in, at home, on the return, last month (26-29). This season, therefore, it is everywhere between the two protagonists of the evening.

We are sixty minutes from a semi-final, and that’s not nothing. Many players have never played a half with us.

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