Thursday, 19 January 2023 – 09:09 WIB
LIVE Techno – Lightning, one of nature’s most energetic events, discharges millions of volts in a fraction of a second. Its destructive power can damage buildings, overloading networks electricity, starting a fire to cause death and injury. In the ‘Back to the Future’ trilogy, lightning is used to charge the time machine.
An international team of scientists have claimed they have successfully redirected lightning using technology laser for the first time during storm in Switzerland, quoting from the Sputniknews website, Thursday, January 19, 2023.
In a new study published in the journal Nature Photonics, physicist Aurelien Houard, of the French National Center for Scientific Research Applied Optics Laboratory in Paris and colleagues from the University of Geneva, herald what they describe as the first demonstration of laser-induced sensitization. the filament that manages to direct the lightning to the ground.
They explain that the experiment was carried out in the summer of 2021 on Mount Santis in northeastern Switzerland, where researchers installed a high-repetition rate laser from a telecommunication tower that is struck by lightning about 100 times a year.
The scientists added that the lasers were activated whenever thunderstorm activity was expected in the area between June and September 2021. They showed that the tower was hit by at least 16 lightning strikes, four of which occurred during laser activity, and all four of those attacks were intercepted.
illustration of a plane struck by lightning
“The upward guidance of the negative lightning head at a distance of 50 meters was recorded by two separate high-speed cameras. The negative guidance of the lightning head by laser filament was amplified in three other examples by very high-frequency interferometric measurements, and the number of X-ray bursts detected during the lightning event greatly improved guidance,” the scientists said.
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University of Geneva researchers said in a separate release that analysis of the data showed that the so-called Lightning Laser Bars (LLR) unlike other lasers, which even work in difficult weather conditions, such as fog (often found on the summit of Santis) can mostly stop the beam due to through the clouds.