“Stay home with your loan”, that’s how they defraud those who need to get out of their debts and that, when seeing a easy fix, are ´enrredadas´ to request this type of advances, but not before giving them money to ‘authorize’ you the desired amount.
This is what happened to a neighbor in the Arbolito neighborhood of this city, who requested a loan of 3,000 pesos, immediately did all the processing via WhatsApp, however, one of the requirements was where to deposit the 5 percent advance, it would arrive your money.
After depositing the money, the woman sent the receipt to the alleged financial advisor, but was immediately blocked, when calling by phone, she was not attended either and they only sent her some mocking messages, so she decided to show it to the public to that the Choapenses and the citizens of other municipalities do not fall for these frauds.