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Lars Windhorst is now writing on Twitter

Hertha’s financier Lars Windhorst has registered with the short message service Twitter and wants to communicate via the platform in the future. Image

“Big City Lars” has been tweeting lively slogans about the blue and white cosmos since February 2020. The real Lars Windhorst is only now joining the short message service. Hertha’s 374 million euro investor wants to comment on reports about his company and his person in the future. Clearly: Something is chirping towards Hertha!

Because many users couldn’t believe it and there are also various fake accounts with his name, Windhorst personally confirmed the authenticity of his account. “Hello to all doubters who don’t believe that this is my account. I am very much looking forward to stimulating discussions and conversations here – even without the blue tick. Best regards, Lars Windhorst “

Closing ranks between Hertha and Windhorst

Background: Since Windhorst joined Hertha in the summer of 2019, there have been repeated reports about the difficult relationship between him and the club. Actually, the waves have been considered smoothed since the resignation of ex-manager Michael Preetz. Now Windhorst is going on the offensive, wants to use Twitter like ex-US President Donald Trump as its own mouthpiece.

The trigger for Windhorst’s Twitter attack could have been the latest reports from Manager Magazin and Der Spiegel, according to which the final installment of a total of 60 million euros could lead to a rift between the blue-whites and Windhorst. According to this, Hertha would have the option to sell shares to another investor until the end of June if payment is not made on time.

“Our contract will be fulfilled as it has been discussed and negotiated. There is no dissent ”, Windhorst and Hertha’s new boss Carsten Schmidt recently joined forces in a joint statement. It also said: “Irritations that occurred in phases were resolved internally and constructively. Above all, however, they do not endanger the entire project, in whose success we still believe. “

Also read: Engaged, married, dad: a lot going on in the Hertha stars’ summer camp >>

Mockery of Jürgen Klinsmann

In order to prevent further unrest, Windhorst wants to hit the buttons on Twitter from now on. He got a foretaste of what was going on on the net. Some users and Hertha fans greeted Windhorst in a friendly manner, others from critical to mocking.

One thing is clear: If Windhorst should use his Twitter account regularly and discuss the club with the fans, a lot will twitter to Hertha.

Also read: After Hertha escape: Jürgen Klinsmann feels ripe for the island >>

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