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Larrazet. Discovery: Laurence Tedetti, art bookbinder

La Toulousaine Laurence Tedetti is Larrazétoise, as evidenced by her two terms on the municipal council.

This descendant of Louis XI was able to build a family tree that goes back, in fact, to the recognized child of the first mistress of King Phelize Regnard! “Johanna, filia naturalis Domini Regis per eum et Phelisiam Regnard, domicellam, nunc viduam, genita, uxor Ludovici de Borbonio Comitis Rossilionis, legitimata per litteras datas Aurelianis 25 feb. 1465. Sinè financiâ” est le texte qui consacre la filiation de Jeanne ( 1447-1519), called Jeanne de Valois, chatelaine of Beaumont-en-Trièves (in the Dauphiné).

Laurence Tedetti, in addition to this noble descent, works as a host for the association Les P’tits Loups, in Larrazet, and a home worker in the Toulouse sector.

Passionate about books discovered thanks to the Rouge et Or library offered by the grandfather, which quickly went from object books to book reading.

The subsequent meeting with a bookbinder led her to the art center in Blagnac, then as a bookbinder in Montauban. His professionalization will be confirmed with Jacques Bouvinne, in Toulouse, who will teach him the mastery of the twenty to thirty operations necessary for the production of a bound book. In skin, canvas or paper, the bindings take various forms, and her work can lead her to an operation to rehabilitate municipal registers.

Installed in a workshop close to the Gimone, it organizes introductory courses or discovery days of this art profession open to adults and children alike. Making your little notebook that can become your diary or a simple notepad is within everyone’s reach.

Registered in the register of fine crafts, she can be contacted on 07 69 63 86 67 or by email: [email protected] for a book restoration or a personal project.

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