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Largest increase in hospital admissions since May in the Netherlands | News

The influx of new patients with Covid-19 is also relatively high. In the past 24 hours, 54 patients were added to nursing wards, the highest number since June 5. In total there are now 277 corona patients.
9 people were admitted to intensive care units, the highest number since June 10. With 84 seriously ill corona patients in total, the occupation there is now at the same level as exactly a week ago.

Hospitals expect a further increase, as the number of infections has risen sharply in recent weeks. Although the infection rates are now about as high as they were at the end of last year, a smaller proportion of people who contract the virus are now expected to end up in hospital.

In the first place, it is now mainly young people who are infected. They were behind on vaccinations, precisely because young people rarely get so sick from the corona virus that they have to be hospitalized. Furthermore, numerous studies show that people who have been fully vaccinated, and nevertheless become infected, have a much lower risk of becoming so sick that they have to go to hospital.

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