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Large parts of the Netherlands turn red on the European corona map | Inland

In Utrecht, Gelderland, Overijssel, South Holland, Friesland, Flevoland and Zeeland, so many residents have tested positive for the corona virus in the past two weeks that the provinces are moving up from orange to red. Drenthe, Noord-Brabant, Noord-Holland and Groningen will remain on orange this week, but will probably go to red next week.

Biggest seat of fire

Utrecht has relieved Limburg as the largest fire source in the Netherlands compared to the number of inhabitants. In the central province, about 3,700 residents have tested positive in the past two calendar weeks. That equates to 280 new cases for every 100,000 people. In the city of Utrecht itself, the number of positive tests is relatively reasonable, the increase is due to municipalities such as Rhenen, Veenendaal, Vijfheerenlanden and Woudenberg.

The number of positive tests is skyrocketing in every province. Limburg and Flevoland keep the increase most limited. The total number of new cases in two weeks is almost 35 percent higher than in the map of last week. In Drenthe, the number of new cases rose by about 64 percent and in Overijssel by almost 58 percent.

The ECDC, the European counterpart of the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), publishes the map every Thursday. The service looks at the number and percentage of positive tests in the two previous calendar weeks. The card has four colors. From low to high, these are green, orange, red and dark red. Countries can decide on the basis of the map to tighten the rules for travelers from other countries.

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