After a long and sweet wait, the footballer Andres Iniesta (38 years old) and his wife, Anna Ortiz (35), have become parents for the fifth time. It has been the footballer, who currently plays for Vissel Kobe, who has shared the happy news with his more than 41 million Instagram followers.
He has done it with a tender photograph in which you can see the legs of the baby who, as he reveals, is a girl. In addition, the man from La Mancha has shared his name. Welcome, Olympia! With much love we were waiting for you! And congratulations to our super mommy. Wonderful day!”, can be read next to the photograph.
Through the location you have marked, Andrés has also shared where the little girl was born, in Barcelona. Although the family regularly resides in the Japanese city of Kobe, it seems that they have moved to Spain temporarily to be closer to their families at such a happy time.
[Andrés Iniesta, devastado tras la muerte de su abuela: “Si recuerdo lo que he vivido como nieto, me emociono”]
The couple, who met in 2007 and married in 2012, has four other children, Valeria, 11, Paolo, 8, Siena, 5, and Romeo, 3. Now, with the arrival of Olympia, they are a more than numerous family. Despite the fact that Andrés and Anna have classic Spanish names, for their children they have opted for somewhat different names that, after using them, have become a trend.
Olympia is a name of Greek origin and is written with both Greek and Latin i. It alludes to the city where the Olympic Games took place in Antiquity, but it can also refer to Mount Olympus, where in classical times the Hellenic gods were said to reside. It is said of women who are called that They are passionate, curious and have a marked temperament..
Andrés Iniesta with his family in an image from his social networks.
True to his discretion, until this Sunday, February 26, neither the footballer nor his wife had publicly spoken about his new paternity. A prudence that, probably, is due to the painful experience that the couple lived in 2014, when they lost what was to be their second child at eight months pregnant.
Olympia’s birth took place just over a month after a hard loss for Andrés. On January 22, he revealed on his social networks the death of his grandmother, to whom he was very close. “Goodbye, Grandma… If I remember the thousands of things that I have experienced as a grandson, I cannot stop being moved. Eternal, grandmother”, posted the midfielder, making clear once again the reserved and familiar character that he has always displayed, as a person and as an athlete.
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