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“Large Families: Life in XXL – Colas Tribe Prepares for Daughter’s Departure to Study in the United States”

Yesterday at 2:00 p.m. – by
Veronique Bonifacy

The Colas tribe was filmed by TF1 the day Selena left for the United States, in the issue of Large families: life in XXL airing this Thursday, May 4. The indifferent attitude of the teenager made her mother react.

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If you are used to watching Large families: life in XXLyou no doubt know that the Colas tribe has an objective that is particularly close to their hearts: to enable Selenathe eldest of the clan of five children, to realize her dream by going to study in the United States. It was precisely in Seattle that the teenager put her luggage last September, but the broadcast lag obliges, on the small screen, viewers discovered his departure more than six months later. This Thursday, May 4, Delphine, Olivier and their daughter finalized the preparations for this trip in a special atmosphere.

A laborious morning

It’s a mix of emotions, stress, euphoria, a little anxiety… I’m about to leave my family for a year of study in the United States so it’s a key moment in our year of family life, a great day for us“, remarked the 40-year-old photographer. Ready to load the family vehicle with the suitcases of his daughter-in-lawthe 43-year-old logistics manager was patient, the girl being “in delayand visibly uninterested. Her mum commented on the situation: “That morning, it’s a little electric, everyone is a little stressed, we don’t really know where we are. (…) Selena and I have completely opposite characters. Me, I am extroverted, always in the extremes, the mother hen who gets into all her states and she is hyper introverted. She has a hard time expressing her emotions.. She doesn’t actually express them, she’s true to herself“said the former Spanish teacher.

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behavior”very peculiar, but that’s how it is

The big sister of the siblings therefore left the premises “with total stoicism, nothing showed, she left the house as if she was going to come back an hour later“, added Delphine Colas, flabbergasted. But the mother knows perfectly well her first baby. So she tried to analyze:I think that’she fully realizes that she is leaving, but that she is completely decided in this project. It’s a project she’s had since she was a child, since she was 7-8 years old she keeps telling us that she wants to go to the United States. She doesn’t show anything special, it’s a day like any other for her, it’s very special but that’s how it is!“, she conceded.

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2023-05-06 00:17:34

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