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Large deposits of ice discovered on Mars / GORDON

A new analysis of high-resolution epithermal neutron detector (FREND) data showed high hydrogen levels at this location on the planet.

“The central part of the valley is filled with water and it is much more than we expected. This is very similar to the permafrost regions on Earth, where water ice constantly remains under dry soil due to constant low temperatures,” said a senior researcher at the Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences Alexey Malakhov.

The researchers say that if all the hydrogen they found is in the form of water ice, the compound could account for up to 40% of the surface material in that area.

“This discovery is an amazing first step, but we need more observation to know exactly what form of water we are dealing with,” said study co-author Hokan Svedhem.


Liquid water discovered on Mars in 2015 scientists from NASA and Georgia Institute of Technology. Spectral studies of the planet have shown that the water, which could be associated with the appearance of dark stripes on the surface, is saturated with salts of perchloric acid.

In 2016, physicists from the University of Nantes came to the conclusion that changes in the relief of the surface of Mars can occur due to flows of liquid water, which boils at low atmospheric pressure.

In September 2021, the Perseverance rover analyzed two samples of the Martian rock. The analysis showed that the samples were in contact with water for a long time, which is an argument in favor of the theory about the existence of ancient life on Mars.

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