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Laptop Users Must Know! Here’s How to Take Care of the Touchpad

Jakarta – The touchpad is one part of the laptop that has a special role to move the cursor and becomes the control center of the system. Without this device, you may find it difficult to run your laptop. Especially, if you don’t have or use a mouse.

Although it has the same way of working as a mouse, the touchpad will generally be used more often because it is embedded in the body of the laptop itself. Especially if you’re doing tasks outside House which does not allow you to carry a wired or portable mouse.

For this important presence, you should always check and maintain the touchpad so that it is not easily damaged. It is a sensitive sensor area that is prone to malfunctions, here are 4 ways to care for a laptop touchpad to keep it durable.

1. Keep the laptop away from drinks and food

Laptops are electronic goods, so make sure to keep this device away from food and your drink. In addition to worrying about spilling and damaging the system components inside, the touchpad’s sensitivity can decrease if your food and drinks are splashed on it.

2. Wash your hands

Keep your hands clean before touching the touchpad. This is because dirty and oily hands can make the sensitivity level on your touchpad sensor continue to erode.

In addition, dirty hands can also transmit fungi, bacteria and small insects on your touchpad and laptop which of course have a high potential to damage other components.

3. Disable touchpad when not in use

Not a few people prefer to use a mouse instead of a touchpad, especially if they are at home or in the office. Besides being easier to use, the mouse also has a wider range than the touchpad.

If you are the type of person who rarely uses the touchpad, make sure to turn off the work of the device so that it lasts a long time. You can press certain buttons on the laptop or change it through windows settings and other settings according to the type of laptop you have.

4. Don’t press it

After using it for a long time, make sure to clean the laptop touchpad so that small dust that sticks and accumulates can be quickly removed.

Clean it thoroughly using a cleaning agent that won’t damage the rubber and plastic on your laptop, such as with a small amount of alcohol or a glass cleaning solution.

Keep in mind, the touchpad is a sensitive part. Therefore, wipe or rub gently using a lint-free cloth so that the touchpad does not get damaged quickly.

(Eka Cahyani)

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