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Laptop imports fall to double digits

China is the main supplier country to the Peruvian market with more than 90% share.

According to statistics from the Foreign Trade Research and Development Institute (Idexcam) of the Lima Chamber of Commerce (CCL), the digital transformation in a pandemic context drove extraordinary demand for laptops and desktop computers and their parts, increasing imports. in 2020 and 2021. In 2022, the numbers returned to the pre-pandemic level. On the other hand, in fiscal year 2023, Peruvian imports of laptops showed a drop of 28% compared to the previous year.

Last year, Peru acquired a total of one million laptops for a value of US$ 458.1 million, a figure lower than the 1.6 million units acquired in 2022 for US$ 760 million.

“The results are explained because the durability of these devices has an average of approximately three years, to which we must add that the prices of these laptops increase every year (due to the cost of their parts) and, considering that the increase in The demand for this equipment occurred in 2021, it is likely that import peaks will only occur at the end of this year,” said the head of Idexcam, Óscar Quiñones.

In 2023, China was the main supplier country to the Peruvian market with 92% share, followed by Vietnam (7%).

By price range, in 2023, 974,171 laptops were imported with a unit value of US$800 or less, a drop of 36% compared to 2022; while laptops, whose value ranged between US$ 801 and US$ 1,500, reached 95,619 units (-43%). Finally, imported laptops with a price greater than US$ 1,500 were 9,750 (-27%).


Setbacks were also observed in some computing components. This is the case of the importation of hard drives (HDD), whose acquired units decreased by 19% in 2023, registering 313,978 units for US$ 25.7 million.

The Philippines was the largest supplier to the Peruvian market with 37% share, followed by Thailand (30%) and China (27%).

Likewise, imports of video cards They decreased by 36% in 2023 versus 2022, after acquiring 92,394 units for US$ 21.9 million. These items come mostly from China (92%), followed by Vietnam (7%).

Meanwhile, the import of solid disks fell 9% in volume, with China being the main supplier (78%), followed by Malaysia (20%).

On the other hand, the import of computer processors increased by 4% in 2023 versus 2022. Most of these teams were brought in from Vietnam (52%), Malaysia (27%) and China (16%).

Positive results were also seen in the acquisition of motherboards whose units showed an increase of 29% in 2023 compared to 2022 and were mostly brought from China (87%) and Vietnam (7%).

In the case of RAM memories The increase in imported units was 18%, with China being the main supplier with a 97% share.

“Despite the results shown, it is clear that the evolution of remote work will continue to influence demand in the computing sector,” noted Óscar Quiñones.

#Laptop #imports #fall #double #digits
– 2024-05-02 09:11:04

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