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Lapan: Arietid meteor shower peak on June 7, 2021

Jakarta (ANTARA) – The National Institute of Aeronautics and Space (Lapan) said the public could witness the peak of the Arietid meteor shower on June 7, 2021.

“This meteor shower can be seen at dawn from various places in Indonesia,” Head of the National Aeronautics and Space Institute’s (Lapan) Space Science Dissemination Division (Lapan) Emanuel Sungging Mumpuni when contacted by ANTARA, Jakarta, Friday.

Emanuel said the meteor shower could be witnessed directly without any tools.

He said the Arietid meteor shower has been active from May 14 to June 24, 2021.

The Arietid meteor shower is the only meteor shower that can be seen during the day.

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At the peak of the meteor shower, there will be 50 meteors per hour at the zenith, can be seen from the east-northeast before astronomical dawn, culminating in the north at 10.00 local time and setting in the west-northwest at 16.00 local time. .

On June 8, 2021, the public will be able to witness the astronomical phenomenon, namely the lunar apogee.

Lunar apoge is a condition when the Moon is at its furthest point from Earth, so the Moon will be observed to be smaller. The moon’s apoge occurred at 09.38 WIB.

In addition, there have been other interesting astronomical phenomena in early June 2021, namely the phase of the final perbani moon on June 2, and the last appearance of Mercury at dusk on June 3.

Also read: Eight: The peak of the meteor shower is observed past midnight to dawn

Also read: Researcher: The Perseid meteor shower occurs from July 17 to August 24

Reporter: Martha Herlinawati Simanjuntak
Editor: Budhi Santoso

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