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Language disorder, one in 14 children suffers from it. The importance of timely rehabilitation

Emotional difficulties and mental distress, which can lead to school and work failures. The reason is the DPL, i.e. a Primary Language Disorder, however understanding the difficulties early, appropriate treatments together with training and information suitable for families and educators can help to change the development of this discomfort. This is what emerged today 18 October on the World Day for Awareness of Primary Language Disorder in the message that the Federation of Italian Speech Therapists launched today in Rome. The day was promoted throughout the world by the RADLD association (Raising Awareness of Developmental Language Disorder, www.radld.org). In the presence of specialists and institutions, an information brochure prepared by FLI together with CLASTA, the scientific association that deals with language development, was presented (www.clasta.org), who, with drawings and comics, tells about this disorder to adults and children. Furthermore, dedicated pages have been created on the FLI website (www.fli.it), where a social campaign with videos and stories will be launched. “DPL is the most frequent neurodevelopmental disorder in preschool age which affects 1 in 14 children in Italy – explains Anna Giulia De Cagno, speech therapist and vice-president of FLI –. It manifests itself as an inability to acquire the mother tongue, in the absence of cognitive, sensorial, affective deficits and important socio-environmental deficiencies. It can present itself with different degrees of severity: sometimes it only concerns the ability to express oneself (absent or limited verbal production), but in the most serious and more difficult cases to treat it also involves linguistic understanding (absent or limited verbal understanding)”.

Children with a DPL may also have learning problems more frequently, according to statistics and clinical experience. “Although basic language and communication skills develop in preschool, there is increasing evidence that language and cognition continue to develop throughout adolescence and into adulthood.” declares Francesca Mollo, speech therapist and contact person for the Federation of Italian Speech Therapists (FLI) on Primary Language Disorders -. Early intervention is important. “Promote the ability of teachers, paediatricians and parents to recognize risk signals, in order to facilitate a timely diagnosis – says Dr. Mollo, speech therapist and contact person for the Federation of Italian Speech Therapists (FLI) on Primary Language Disorders –. We remind you that the diagnosis can be made from 4 years of age, but it is possible to identify risk signs from an early age”. Therefore it is important that, as has happened with specific learning disabilities and autism, DPL also becomes better known.

Manuelita Lupo

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