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Landtag re-assigns important offices in SH | NDR.de – news

Status: 10/28/2021 6:49 p.m.

In the Schleswig-Holstein state parliament, three new offices were filled on Thursday. There is a personnel change at the Higher Regional Court (OLG).

Dirk Bahrenfuss will head the Higher Regional Court as President from January 1st.

Dirk Bahrenfuss becomes the new President of the OLG Schleswig-Holstein. With its unanimous vote, the state parliament made the selection from a three-way proposal submitted by the Ministry of Justice to the Interior and Legal Committee. As of January 1, 2022, the 52-year-old lawyer will succeed Uta Fölster, President of the Higher Regional Court, who will retire at the end of the year.

The Schleswig-Holstein Higher Regional Court is the highest court in the state and is located under the Federal Court of Justice in the judicial system. The OLG decides, for example, on appeals and complaints against judgments and resolutions of the four regional courts.

State commissioner for political education remains in office

Dr.  Christian Meyer-Heidemann looks into the camera.  © The State Commissioner for Civic Education Photo: Kaja Grope

Christian Meyer-Heidemann will remain state representative for political education for another six years.

Christian Meyer-Heidemann was elected by a large majority of members of the state parliament for a further term of six years. As the state commissioner for political education, Meyer-Heidemann advises the government and the state parliament on fundamental issues of political education and organizes a large number of own events every year.

The country representative and his team work independently and non-partisan. Schleswig-Holstein is the only federal state with such an office. The other federal states have a state center for political education.

State Audit Office has a new Vice-President

There is also a new face at the State Audit Office. Silke Seemann is the new Vice President. She takes over from Bernt Wollesen, who retired in May. This gives the State Audit Office dual leadership: it is headed by President Gaby Schäfer.

According to the constitution, the Court of Auditors has the mandate to supervise the budgetary and economic management of the state and municipalities, among others.

additional Information

Daniel Günther stands at the lectern in the state parliament.  © NDR

Prosperity, climate protection, innovation: this is what Prime Minister Günther wants to focus his Baltic Sea policy on. more

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NDR 1 Welle Nord | Schleswig-Holstein Magazine | 10/28/2021 | 19:30 o’clock

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