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Landtag – Hanover – Landtag advises on children and young people in the pandemic policy

Hanover (dpa / lni) – The members of the Lower Saxony state parliament want to take another look at the situation of children and adolescents in and after the corona pandemic this Friday. The parliamentary groups of the SPD and CDU bring in an application which, among other things, calls for “age-appropriate regulations” for children and young people in the Corona Ordinance. The state government is also asked to develop measures to mitigate the consequences of the pandemic for children and young people – and to further develop the vaccination strategy for young people.

Finally, two motions from the Greens parliamentary group will be discussed on Friday. In March, the Greens called for child and youth work to be maintained even under pandemic conditions and for special offers to be created for the summer holidays. In an application from April it says that there must be – similar to other federal states – a corona test strategy for daycare children with two rapid tests per week. The recommendations of the responsible committees are now being voted on.

Prime Minister Stephan Weil (SPD) announced at the end of May that he wanted to mobilize a three-digit million sum from the federal and state governments for an “action program to catch up after Corona” with leisure activities in the summer. The head of government said that it is not essentially about working through learning backlogs, but about opportunities to experience things after months of isolation.

The focus in supporting children and adolescents after the pandemic is on the topic of encounters, said the Minister for Health and Social Affairs, Daniela Behrens (SPD), the dpa. After a long period of predominantly digital offers, it is now important to create and promote offers and places where young people can actually come together. “Many children and young people now have one of their toughest years behind them,” said Behrens.

According to the minister, young people aged twelve and over play an important role in the vaccination campaign. “They are important to achieve herd immunity.” With the lifting of the prioritization at the beginning of the week, the adolescents from the age of twelve would have shown a high willingness to want to be vaccinated. “I have the feeling that the young people are very motivated,” said Behrens.

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