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Landslide in Valtellina, autopsy of the three victims ordered. Improve little Leo

Chiesa in Valmalenco, 14 August 2020 – I.l little Leo of 5 years today it has given comforting signs recovery in the Papa Giovanni XXIII hospital in Bergamo, where he was hospitalized urgently on Wednesday afternoon after the tragedy that left him orphan of both parents. But the doctors of the pediatric neurosurgery department of the Bergamo hospital invite caution: the prognosis, in fact, has not yet been resolved, although there have been signs of improvement.

A respite from bad weather, after days of strong thunderstorms, but with non-sensational phenomena according to the experts of Arpa Lombardia, this afternoon pushed the mayor of Chiesa in Valmalenco to reopen the municipal road of Chiareggio, on which the landslide that killed three tourists from the province of Varese fell on Wednesday. About 600 residents and tourists are no longer isolated. But the artery is open under certain conditions and times, in the evening after 7pm it is closed again and is one-way alternating. But the most important news of the day is certainly the one related to the improvement of Leo’s conditions.

At the wheel of the Suzuki jeep, overwhelmed by debris, was Gianluca Pasqualone, 45, originally from Rome, an employee of a glass production company, alongside his 41-year-old companion Silvia Brocca, who worked in a dental office in Sesto Calende (Varese ). Both died as well as the little girl who was traveling in their car, Alabama Guizzardi, 10, promising athletics, daughter of a couple of friends from Gallarate (Varese) and who was celebrating her birthday on that day. Next to the child, the 5-year-old son Leo of the Pasqualones, the only survivor in the off-road vehicle.

The party was headed to Chiareggio to celebrate, in a restaurant in the small village at 1,600 meters above sea level, the birthday of the girl who at the last moment wanted to get on the jeep to stay close to little Leo during the journey. “When the rescuers arrived on the spot, they saw the Alabama parents digging with their bare hands in the mud to try to save their daughter and their friends,” says Mayor Renata Petrella who has known the Guizzardi for some time because they have been attending Valmalenco for years.

“Every summer – recalls the mayor – they rent an apartment for the month of August. They still cannot realize what has happened. They are destroyed. They repeated to me ‘We have nothing left, we have nothing left'”. The sports club in which Alabama was active, meanwhile, remembered her with words full of affection: “With her, even a piece of our heart goes away! Hello Alabama we will miss you! There are no explanations, there is only pain, sadness, deafening suffering, anger, hatred … Why her? Why now? “. And again: “Smiling, enthusiastic, beautiful and competitive; we see her again in these adjectives”. THE funeral of the little girl they should be held on Sunday afternoon in Besnate (Varese).

Meanwhile, tomorrow morning the pathologist Paolo Tricomi from Lecco will perform in the morgue of the hospital in Sondrio the autopsy. On behalf of the deputy prosecutor Stefano Latorre who opened an investigation currently against ignoyou. There are two offenses: multiple manslaughter and culpable disaster. They investigate the carabinieri led by Colonel Emanuele De Ciuceis. After the time of pain and tears will come the one to know whether or not there was responsibility in the terrible tragedy of Valmalenco.

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