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“Landshut” learning location should be largely finished by 2025 – Baden-Württemberg

What to do with the wreckage of the hijacked Landshut plane? This has been discussed for years. Now the plans of those responsible at the Federal Agency for Civic Education are becoming more concrete. Meanwhile, one important question remains unanswered for the time being.

Friedrichshafen (dpa) – According to the President of the Federal Agency for Civic Education, the learning center around the wreck of the “Landshut” plane should be largely finished by 2025. “We want to have most of the project on the rails during this legislative period, i.e. by summer 2025,” said Thomas Krüger of the “Schwäbische Zeitung” (Friday edition) during a visit to the wreck in Friedrichshafen. “But if we have our way, the machine will be made much more accessible.”

With a dossier on the plane hijacked in 1977, the first part of a digital education package has already gone online, said Krüger. “So we don’t wait until everything is ready. This project is so exciting that it will be launched in several stages.»

So far, however, there is no specific location for the education and documentation center around the “Landshut”, said Krüger. Because of the accessibility, a location near the train station is interesting. If there is not enough space, a learning center near the airport can also be considered.

The “Landshut” is a symbol of the greatest state crisis in German post-war history, the “German Autumn”. In 1977, the terrorist Red Army Faction (RAF) carried out a series of attacks in Germany. On October 13, 1977, Palestinian terrorists seized control of the “Landshut” with 82 passengers and five crew members on board in order to free imprisoned RAF people. Flight captain Jürgen Schumann was shot. In the Somali city of Mogadishu, the special unit GSG9 finally stormed the plane and freed the remaining hostages unharmed.

In 2017, the then Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel (SPD) had the machine brought from Brazil to Lake Constance. Since then, there has been debate about what to do with her.

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