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Landlords evict a squatter, she files a complaint, they end up in custody

It’s a story that recalls that of Théoule-sur-Mer, in the Alpes-Maritimes, this summer when the owner of a house was unable to take possession of his property because of squatters.

It’s the same kind of mishap that happened last week in Bondy in Seine-Saint-Denis, but which ended badly for the owner, as reported The Parisian.

A mason who, according to his son, has worked all his life to build this house for retirement, decides to rent it.

Alerted by neighbors

While the accommodation is offered for rent in an agency, the neighbors notice people in the garden on Monday, November 2 around midnight. They warn the owner, thinking that new neighbors have just moved in.

But the owner’s son does not understand since his father’s house is still offered for rent and the agency tells him that it has not signed any lease.

A complaint filed

He then decides to go there to check what the neighbors say. But on his arrival, the key does not fit in the lock, it has been changed.

He immediately went to the police station to file a complaint for trespassing.

A fake lease presented

The police went to the home in question and found nothing abnormal because the person who occupied the apartment and who opened the door to them presented them with a signed lease. However, this is a false document.

The owner and his son are therefore waiting for their approach to be successful. But as of Thursday, November 5, the neighbors contacted them to inform them that moving trucks are depositing furniture and they are transported into the house.

After some information gleaned here and there, the legal procedure seems too long for the owner, he needs to rent the accommodation and therefore that the person who occupies it leaves him.

A hooded team to scare the occupant of the premises

He then decides to go intimidate the occupant to get her out of the house.

Friday, November 6, hooded men will therefore try to scare the squatter.

She gets scared and leaves the place with her child in the car. The owner and his son who were waiting in the street go to their house after the occupant has left to collect the keys to the accommodation.

The squatter has injuries

But the latter returns: she has wounds, she has an arm in a sling and a bruise on her face.

She tells the police that the owner and her son hit her and that they also attacked her child.

Yet the two accused by the woman refute the accusations, claiming that she was not injured when she left, but when she returned she did indeed have injuries.

She also states that she signed a lease – which turns out to be a forgery – and that she paid the deposit and a rent of 1,000 euros in cash.

The squatter also files a complaint

The squatter filed a complaint for assault and battery in a meeting and theft, before disappearing from the neighborhood.

The owner and his son are placed in police custody for 48 hours.

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