Many were involved in this meeting between LBB who wanted to prove their influence in Lyon. Angers, for its part, had to respond after two successive defeats in the league. And if the two teams looked at each other in 3 quarters of the game, it was Landerneau who ended up falling apart at the end of the game.
From the first season, the tone was set. It was a great defensive battle between the two teams. The LBB took the advantage at first, but it didn’t last long as the Angevines tightened their lines. Two successful baskets in a row even allowed them to get back in front. Landerneau only survived because of the quality of his defensive rebounds (Trasi imperiale) but he was poor at finishing, especially letting three pointers slip away on free throws. Laura Evrard, forward, sped up the game in the 2nd quarter. So much so that the Louves got their hand back. Anger was the responsibility of the Urbaniak-Dornstauder duo, whose size was very useful under the baskets, and they took a 25-30 lead, leaving the opponent silent for almost 5 minutes. Evrard’s return to the floor marked a near-miraculous comeback for the Brits, who pulled back to 31-32 at halftime, beating the last Angevin possession.
Powerless Landerneau
It was in the last quarter that the decision would be made. And it was Landerneau who cracked first, with a series of failed shots. Nothing came in and Angers was quick to fold. They were ahead 44-55 when Woolfolk cleared his team’s face 3 minutes from time to time. This same Woolfolk got Landerneau’s second and last basket in this fourth quarter, a clear picture of the helplessness of Landerneau who had not kept the pace.
The technical page
QT : 16-19, 31-32, 45-44, 49-66
referees : Mr. Foucault, Ms. Voyeau and Ms. Chemineau