Home » News » Landaluce asks the Senate about the delay in the appointment of foreign ministers in Gibraltar

Landaluce asks the Senate about the delay in the appointment of foreign ministers in Gibraltar

The Popular Parliamentary Group in the Senate is asking the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for explanations regarding the delays in the appointments of the special delegate of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for Campo de Gibraltar and the head of the Gibraltar Affairs Office. It is doing so through a series of questions in the Upper House to be answered in writing by the Government, according to the president of the Foreign Affairs Committee in the Senate and mayor of Algeciras, José Ignacio Landaluce.

The Popular Party senator recalls that, since the end of last year, “both positions have been vacant, which is completely illogical when we find ourselves immersed in a complicated period in terms of negotiations for the treaty that will regulate relations between the colony and the European Union after Brexit.”

But for the president of the Foreign Affairs Committee in the Senate, the reading “goes further” and questions “the Government’s negligence” in appointing the successors of Juan José Sanz and Javier Benosa to head both offices.

For José Ignacio Landaluce, “there are doubts about whether the Socialist Executive intends with this situation to prevent there being more direct witnesses in the negotiations related to Gibraltar.”

In this regard, he claims that “citizens have the right to know the reasons why these positions remain unfilled and also to be able to dispel any doubt as to whether these vacancies, which clearly favour the interests of Gibraltar, are given at the behest of the main Government of the rock,” concludes Landaluce.

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